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Notice #: 05524654


Permanent Vacancy – Department of Public Works in S. Hilo

Starting salary: $4,209.00/month (Effective 10/01/06)

Minimum requirements: A combination of education and experience substantially equivalent to graduation from high school and four years work experience as a traffic electrician, one of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity involving the design, installation, maintenance or repair of street lighting and traffic signal systems or other related electrical or electronic control systems; possession of a valid State of Hawai`i Supervising Electrician or Supervising Specialty Electrician License and a valid driver\u2019s license.


Permanent Vacancy – Department of Finance in S. Hilo

Starting salary: $3,512.00 – $5,002.00/month (Effective 10/01/06)

Minimum requirements: A combination of education and experience substantially equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with major work in business or public administration, marketing, economics, or a related field and two and one-half years of technical experience in centralized purchasing and standards and specifications development activities.

Closing deadline: Monday, October 2, 2006


Permanent Vacancy – Department of Public Works in Kailua-Kona

Starting salary: $2,702.00/month (Effective 10/01/06)

Minimum requirements: A combination of education and experience substantially equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience in the installation, alteration, repair, and maintenance of electrical equipment, wiring, and apparatus as a journeylevel electrician; possession of a valid State of Hawai`i Journeylevel Electrician\u2019s License and a valid driver\u2019s license.

Recruitment is open on a continuous basis.

Call our job-hotline at #(808) 961-8618 for an application packet or visit our website at

Text telephone users (for persons with hearing/speech impairments) call the Department of Civil Service at #(808) 961-8619.

Hawai`i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer