Architect/Engineering/Construction Services
(Chapter 103D, Hawaii Revised Statutes)
Qualified professional design/build teams are hereby invited to submit their qualifications to the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) for design/build services. The HPHA intends to enter into negotiations with a qualified design/build team to furnish any and all professional services required to investigate existing field conditions, provide design/engineering services, to develop construction plans and technical specifications and to construct their design for the following project:
1002 North School Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817
To plan, design, and renovate office space in the existing Building E
HPHA Job No. 06-043-000-S
Anticipated Start of Design: October 2006
Anticipated Start of Construction: October 2006
Estimated Construction Cost: $300,000 to $500,000
RFP documents may be examined or obtained at the Construction Management Section, at the above address. One (1) set of RFP documents will be provided to each bidder at no charge.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate all submissions:
1. Demonstrated understanding of the RFP and design/build requirements;
2. Proposals conformance to the design intent, elements of the statement of work and outline specifications;
3. Financial and technical capabilities in terms of factors such as bonding capability, personnel, cash flow requirements, equipment, and materials;
4. Demonstrated experience in performing similar work and specific qualification of those to perform the work; and
5. Design cost and quality, design/construction time Itemized Proposal Budget (price) relative to project and detailed design/construction schedule and overall elapsed design/construction time.
A review committee will evaluate and rank the submissions. The top four (4) qualifying teams will be asked to make a presentation before the Screening Committee.
Those teams making presentations will be required to submit a project management proposal, which shall include an overall project schedule, identification of the proposed design team, assignment of company personnel, personnel qualifications, related past project experiences, and other related information as required.
After the presentations have been evaluated and ranked, HPHA will negotiate with the most highly qualified team. The proposed contract will include tasks with a scope of services and a payment schedule in accordance with State AG/SPO FORM-K(1) (1/01) and Form AG2-008 (11/15/2005).
1. A Letter of Interest, due on September 29, 2006.
2. The name of the firm or person, the principal place of business and location of all of its offices;
3. The age of the firm and its average number of employees over the past years;
4. The education, training, and qualifications of key members of the firm;
5. The names and phone numbers of up to four clients who may be contacted, including at least two for whom services were rendered during the preceding year;
6. Evidence of the firms effort to encourage and utilize minorities and minority business enterprise firms in its operations. Include proposed percent of overall project effort to be performed by minority-owned business enterprises;
7. Submission of the following Certificates:
a. Tax Clearance Certificate from the Department of Taxation and the Internal Revenue Service.
b. Certificate of Good Standing as issued by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs.
c. Certificate of Compliance as issued by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR).
8. Documentation to substantiate each of the listed evaluation criteria; and
9. Any promotional or descriptive literature which the firm desires to submit.
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Date: October 12, 2006
Qualifications received after this time may be subject to rejection by the HPHA.
Mail or Hand Deliver Qualifications to:
Ms. Patti Y. Miyamoto
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
1002 North School Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
All qualifications must be submitted in triplicate (3) and must clearly indicate the name of the project the design/build team is submitting for. Questions regarding this request for proposals shall be directed to Mr. Derek H. Fujikami at (808) 590-3486.
The HPHA reserves the right to reject any and all qualifications and reserves the right to waive any informality in the solicitation process.
Patti Y. Miyamoto, Interim Executive Director
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
(SB05524651 9/13, 9/15, 9/18/06)