Pursuant to Chapter 103D-304, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA), formerly known as the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii (HCDCH), anticipates the need for professional services in fiscal year 2007 (July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007) for State funded projects, which includes the following:
Architecture General Engineering
Landscape Architecture Safety Engineering
Civil Engineering Computer Engineering
Environmental Engineering Land Surveying
Mechanical Engineering Real Property Appraisal
Structural Engineering Community Planning
Electrical Engineering
Hawaii State registration is required for architecture, engineering and surveying work. Those individuals and/or firms interested and capable of providing the professional services required and described above should submit the following information listed below by 4:30 p.m., September 28, 2006 to:
Executive Director
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
1002 North School Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
The following should be submitted:
1. A letter of interest indicating the professional services for which the firm is interested and qualified to provide,
2. A completed DPW Form 120 (revised 6/99) or the Federal Standard Form 333 in place of the DPW Form 120,
3. Five (5) or more client references whom the agency may freely contact,
4. Company or firm brochures and similar promotional materials, (optional)
5. Any other information or materials that submitting party believes would be useful and relevant in being considered to provide the types of services set forth above.
Copies of the DPW Form 120 may be obtained from the DPW website at and click on Professional Services or by faxing a request to HPHA at (808) 832-6030. For further information, please fax your questions to HPHA or call the Construction Management Section at (808) 832-6006.
In general, submittal packages and formats provided to other public agencies in response to advertisements of a similar nature should be acceptable, provided that the foregoing minimum requirements are met. Persons or firms that previously responded to HCDCH for similar solicitations notices by the State of Hawaii in the last two years (publication dates August 6, 2004 and May 20, 2005) will remain under consideration to provide professional services through June 30, 2007, but is required to resubmit the five items listed above. Late submittals will be accepted throughout the year, but may not receive the same consideration as timely submittals.
Executive Director
(SB05524289 8/28/06) Hawaii Public Housing Authority