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Notice #: 05523926
Public Hearings

Notice of Public Hearing
Office of Elections
State of Hawaii

Notice is given that the Chief Election Officer, under the authority of sections 11-4 and 11-76, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”), and pursuant to Chapter 91, HRS, will hold a public hearing at the following time and places:

Tuesday, September 5, 2006
2:00 pm

Office of Elections Former Elections Office
802 Lehua Avenue County of Hawaii
Pearl City, Hawaii 25 Aupuni Street, Room 105
Hilo, Hawaii

Council Chambers Kalana O Maui
County of Kauai County of Maui
4396 Rice Street, Room 201 200 South High Street, Room 708
Lihue, Hawaii Wailuku, Hawaii

The purpose of the hearing is to take public comment on the rule regarding stipends to precinct officials. The Chief Election Officer proposes to amend Title 2, Subtitle 4, Chapter 51, Section 66(a), Appendix F, Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”). The proposed amendment of Section 2-51-66(a), Appendix F, is necessary to delete an unnecessary and inaccurate reference date and to effectuate Act 208 (2006), which appropriated funds for the increase in stipends for certain precinct officials, and to increase the stipends for the aforementioned precinct officials. In pertinent part the proposed changes are as follows:

1. The reference date of July 1, 2000, on the three (3) pages of Appendix “F”, shall be deleted; and

2. §2-51-66 Compensation for election day officials. (a) All election day officials shall be compensated in accordance with a stipend schedule approved by the chief election officer, attached hereto as Appendix “F” [dated July 1, 2000,] containing substantially the following information:

(1) County designation;
(2) Position title; and
(3) Stipend amount per election.

Stipend Schedule



O, H, K, M D/C Chairperson 00-10 miles [55.00] 70.00
O, H, K, M D/C Chairperson 11-20 miles [60.00] 75.00
O, H, K, M D/C Chairperson 21-30 miles [65.00] 80.00
O, H, K, M D/C Chairperson 31-40 miles [70.00] 85.00
O, H, [K], M D/C Chairperson 41-50 miles [75.00] 90.00
O, H, [K], M D/C Chairperson 51-60 miles [80.00] 95.00
O, H, [K], M D/C Chairperson 61-70 miles [85.00] 100.00
O, H, [K], M D/C Chairperson 71 + miles [90.00] 105.00
O D/C Controller 90.00
K D/C Driver 00-10 miles [60.00] 75.00
K D/C Driver 11-20 miles [65.00] 80.00
K D/C Driver 21-30 miles [70.00] 85.00
K D/C Driver 31-40 miles [75.00] 90.00
[K] [D/C Driver] [41-50 miles] [80.00]
[K] [D/C Driver] [51-60 miles] [85.00]
[K] [D/C Driver] [61-70 miles] [90.00]
[K] [D/C Driver] [71-80 miles] [95.00]
O, H, K, M D/C Member 00-10 miles [50.00] 65.00
O, H, K, M D/C Member 11-20 miles [55.00] 70.00
O, H, K, M D/C Member 21-30 miles [60.00] 75.00
O, H, K, M D/C Member 31-40 miles [65.00] 80.00
O, H, [K,] M D/C Member 41-50 miles [70.00] 85.00
O, H, [K,] M D/C Member 51-60 miles [75.00] 90.00
O, H, [K,] M D/C Member 61-70 miles [80.00] 95.00
O, H, [K,] M D/C Member 71 + miles [85.00] 100.00
O D/C Standby 50.00
O, H, K, M Election Support 100.00


O, H, K, M Alternate Standby Precinct Official 5.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Chair: One Unit [85.00] 115.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Chair: Two Unit [100.00] 130.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Chair: Three Unit [115.00] 145.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Chair: Four Unit [130.00] 160.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Chair: Five Unit [145.00] 175.00
O, H, K, M Facility Official: One Unit [40.00] 60.00
O, H, K, M Facility Official: Two Unit [53.00] 80.00
O, H, K, M Facility Official: Three Unit [80.00] 100.00
O, H, K, M Facility Official: Four Unit [106.00] 120.00
O, H, K, M Facility Official: Five Unit [124.00] 140.00
O, H, K, M Precinct Official [75.00] 85.00
O, H, K, M Standby Precinct Official [75.00] 85.00
O, H, K, M Voter Assistance Officials [80.00] 100.00

Text that is bracketed is proposed for deletion. Underlined text is proposed for substitution.

All interested persons wishing to testify on the proposed amendments should submit one copy of their written statement at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing to the Office of Elections, 802 Lehua Avenue, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782. A copy of the proposed amendments will be mailed at no cost to any person who requests a copy by contacting Dwayne D. Yoshina, Chief Election Officer, in writing, at 802 Lehua Avenue, Pearl City, Hawaii 96782, or by calling the Office of Elections, at 453-8683 or 1-800-442-8683 (neighbor islands). Copies of the proposed amendments may also be picked up at the Office of Elections, 802 Lehua Avenue, Pearl City; Office of the County Clerk, County of Hawaii, 111 E. Puainako Street, Hilo; Office of the County Clerk, County of Maui, 200 South High Street, Wailuku; and Office of the County Clerk, County of Kauai, 4396 Rice Street, #106, Lihue, between 7:45 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. The proposed amendments are also available at the Office of Elections website at

Any persons with a disability desiring special accommodations should contact the Office of Elections at least 10 days before the scheduled public hearing.
(SB05523926 8/2/06)