(Chapter 103D, HRS)
Sealed proposals will be received at the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC), 677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 up to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12, 2006, for HHFDC Job No. 06-053-C42-S, Real Estate Development Consulting Services in furtherance of Act 288, Session Laws of Hawaii 2006.
Beginning August 3, 2006, the Request for Proposals may be examined and purchased at HHFDC at the above address. The purchase price for each set of REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS is a non-refundable $5.00. Cash will be accepted. A cashiers or certified check made payable to Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation will also be accepted. Personal checks or personal business checks will not be accepted.
The scope of services consists of real estate development services generally required to acquire and evaluate development options in order to preserve affordable rental housing on the property, inclusive of site assessments, appraisals, financial feasibility studies, and broker services.
All offers shall include the State General Excise Tax of 4.0%. The HHFDC may reject any and all offers and may waive any proposal defects whenever HHFDC deems such action is in the best interest of HHFDC. The determination of the successful offeror will be made by HHFDC.
A Pre-Offer Conference is scheduled at the HHFDC at 10:00 a.m. on August 17, 2006. Attendance by all offerors is recommended, but not required.
Offerors shall comply with all requirements of the Request For Proposals documents. Questions relating to this bid solicitation or persons requiring special needs/ auxiliary aids (e.g. sign language, large print or other media) for this REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS, may contact Dan Davidson, Special Assistant at 587-0644. Written questions may be submitted by facsimile at 587-0600.
Janice N. Takahashi, Acting Executive Director
Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
Date: July 28, 2006 (SB05523887 8/3/06)