State of Hawaii
Department of Health
Kona, Hawaii
$4,019/mo. (incl. shortage differential)
Provides preventive, evaluative, consultative & direct svcs. to special needs infants & toddlers, ages 0-3, & their families, incl. culturally competent, family-centered care coordination.
Req. bachelors deg. in OT approved by the Accreditation Council for OT Educ., incl. field work; certification by the National Board for Certification in OT; 1 yr. professional OT exp. under medical supervision; & valid drivers license. Appropriate substitutions allowed. Applicants must be a registered State of Hawaii OT at time of appointment.
Apply via the Dept. of Human Resources Development online application system at Recruitment # 206238, continuous until needs are met. For program information, call (808) 974-6013.
An Equal Opportunity Employer