For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Assistant/Associate Professor (M3M11/M4M11), UHM Sch of Med – Psychiatry, Queen\u2019s Univ Tower; other sites; #88512T; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-586-7425
Assistant Professor, UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #82207; closes 10/01/06; 808-956-3703
Assistant Professor, UHM College of Social Sciences, Manoa; #82605; closes 10/01/06; 808-956-3703
Assistant Researcher R3, Readvertisement, Research Epidemiologist, UHM Sch of Med – Ctr of Biomed Res Excellence, Kakaako Campus; #85766T; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-692-1610
Associate Specialist (Mental Health Services Research Specialist), UHM Social Work, Manoa; #085886T; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-956-6124
Instructor CC (Disabilities Support Services Counselor), Hawaii Community College, Hilo; #74807; closes 08/07/06; 808-974-7657
Instructor CC (Job Placement Counselor), Hawaii Community College, Hilo; #74806; closes 08/07/06; 808-974-7657
Instructor CC (Student Life Advisor), Hawaii Community College, Hilo; #74808; closes 08/07/06; 808-974-7657
Academic Support PBA (Biology Academic Advisor/Student Svc Specialist), UHM Coll of Nat Sci – Biology, Manoa; #0077929T; temporary; closes 08/04/06; 808-956-8303
Academic Support PBA (Culinary Arts Program Advisor), Maui Community College; #77472T; temporary; closes 08/04/06; 808-984-3213
Academic Support PBA (Readvertisement), Maui Community College; #77129T; temporary; closes 08/04/06; 808-984-3572
Enterprise Operations PBA (Bookstore Manager Trainee), UHM Auxiliary Enterprises, UH Hilo; #80964T; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-956-8252
Facilities Planning & Design PBB (Registered Project Manager), Readvertisement, VP for Community Colleges, Manoa; #78048T; closes 08/14/06; 808-956-0864
Institutional Support PBA (Admin & Fiscal Support Spec), UHM Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Manoa; #81529T; temporary; closes 07/27/06; 808-956-9650
Institutional Support PBB (Administrative Officer), UH-West Oahu, Administrative Services; #78106; closes 08/07/06; 808-454-4742
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Accounting Specialist), Financial Management Office, Manoa; #77296; closes 08/07/06; 808-956-2279
Institutional Support PBB (Fiscal Officer), Windward Community College; #80177; closes 07/31/06; 808-235-7404
Instructional and Student Support PBA (Financial Aid Officer), Leeward Community College; #78119T; half-time; temporary; closes 08/07/06; 808-455-0326.
Instructional and Student Support PBA (West Maui Education Center Assistant), Maui Community College; #78131; closes 08/04/06; 808-984-3406
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Curriculum Developer), UHM College of Educ, Manoa; #0077642T; Curriculum Res & Dev Group; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-956-6719
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Financial Aid Officer), UH-West Oahu, Student Services; #78125; closes 08/16/06; 808-454-4700
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Financial Aid Officer), UH-West Oahu, Student Services; #78126; closes 08/16/06; 808-454-4700
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Math Education), Curriculum Research & Dev Group, UHM College of Educ, Manoa; #0077716T; temporary; closes 08/15/06; 808-956-4990
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Orchestra Teacher), UHM College of Educ, Manoa; #0077785T, Curriculum Research & Dev Group; temporary; closes 08/15/06; 808-956-7833
Instructional and Student Support PBB (Student Service Specialist), UH-West Oahu, Student Services; #78127; closes 08/16/06; 808-454-4700
Instructional and Student Support PBB (West Maui Education Center Coordinator), Maui Community College; #78130; closes 08/04/06; 808-984-3406
Research Support PBA, UHM School of Medicine – Dept of Medicine, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #77554T; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-586-2910
Research Support PBA, UHM School of Medicine – Tropical Medicine, Kaka\u2019ako Campus; #78109T; temporary; closes 08/02/06; 808-692-1602
Graduate Assistant, Graduate Research Assistant, Public Health, Manoa; closes 08/21/06; 808-956-2862
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: