Setting the Minimum Price Paid Per Hundredweight
of Class I Milk in the Honolulu Milk Shed
Notice is given that pursuant to section 157-33, Hawaii Revised Statutes, and section 4-60-9, Hawaii Administrative Rules, the Board of Agriculture, by and through the manager of the Commodities Branch of the Department of Agriculture, on June 13, 2006, approved the establishment of the minimum price for class I milk in the Honolulu milk shed, based on milk with a butterfat content of 3.3 per cent, at $24.57 per hundredweight in Order No. 07-MK-06 effective July 1, 2006.
Copies of Order No. 07-MK-06 are available at the Department of Agriculture, 1851 Auiki Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819-3100 (Ph. 832-0700) and will be mailed to interested parties upon request. A reproduction fee of 50 cents per page or fraction thereof, will be assessed for all requested copies.
Sandra Lee Kunimoto
(SB05523464 6/22/06) Chairperson, Board of Agriculture