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Notice #: 05523217
State/City & County Jobs

Permanent Vacancy – Department of Water Supply
Starting salary: $3,820.00 – $5,438.00/month

Minimum requirements: A combination of education and experience substantially equivalent to graduation from an accredited college or university with a baccalaureate degree in electrical, civil, or mechanical engineering, and four years of responsible professional experience in developing and implementing programs or projects related to energy planning, services, management, or conservation. The immediate vacancy requires the possession of a valid driver’s license.

Closing deadline: Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Call our job-hotline at #(808) 961-8618 for an application packet or visit our website at

Text telephone users (for persons with hearing/speech impairments) call the Department of Civil Service at #(808) 961-8619.

Hawai`i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer