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Notice #: 05523209



#06-62 PLANNER VI, SR-26, $4,131- $5,880/mo.




#06-63 RECREATION LEADER I, SR-16, $2,682/mo.
(Molokai Employ. Only)

Requirements: (1) A comb. of educ. & exper. subt. equiv. to grad. from an accred. college/univ. w/a bachelor’s degree in rec., phys. educ. or a related field. 1 (2) 2

#06-64 PROPERTY VALUATION ANALYST I, SR-20, $3,136-$4,459/mo.
#06-65 PROPERTY VALUATION ANALYST II, SR-22, $3,393-$4,833/mo.
#06-66 PROPERTY VALUATION ANALYST III, SR-24, $3,820-$5,438/mo.

Requirements: (1) A comb. of educ. & exper. subt. equiv. to grad. from an accred. college/univ. w/a bach. degree in real estate, bus. or public admin., econ., or a related field 1 & 1 yr. of work exper. in research anal. invlg. the compil., exam., anal., & interp. of stats. & other data, or land class. which invld. the comp. & exam. of data relating to land charac. & the arrange. of land res. into various class. or grp. on the basis of certain similar charac. such as rel. suit. for a part. type of prod., the size & type of enterp. which would be most effect. in using them, soil types or other phys. charac. of land or ownership, or exper. which has demonst. that the applic. possess. know. of social & econ. factors invld. in determ. the best use of land in terms of pop. charac.; indus., agri., & mineral res. dev., rec., & conserv. needs & resources (such exper. may be gained in the field of prop. mgmt., agri., or land econ., or work concerned w/the acq. or disp. of land, bldgs. & facil.) & for level II: 1 yr. of prog. resp. work exper. in appr. of real prop., incl. the est. of prop. val. based on consid. of all factors that infl. or affect the val. of the prop., such as location & environ. of the prop., the anal. of the highest & best uses for which the prop. is suit. or capable of being adap., age, phys. or func. condition of impr., poten. for future dev., avail. of adeq. util.; prob. of comm. growth or decline, & result. value incr. or decr. because of chng. econ. trends & cond., or research in val. anal. invlg. the dev. of class. & val. stnd. & proc. for the appr. or real prop., incl. the prep. of narrative rpts. & for level III: 2 yrs. of prog. resp. work exper. in appr. of real prop., incl. the est. of prop. values based on consid. of all factors that infl. or affect the value of the prop., such as location & environ. of the prop., the anal. of the highest & best uses for which the prop. is suit. or capable of being adap., age, phys. or func condition of improv., poten. for future dev., avail of adeq. util.; prob. of comm. growth or decl., & result. val. incr. or decr. because of chng. econ. trends & cond. (these appr. must consist of a pers. inspec. of the prop., both int. & ext.; collec. of related data; anal. & correl. of the info.; & a narrative rpt. which gives an ind. concl. on the val. of the prop.), or research in val. anal. invlg. the dev. of class. & val. stand. & proc. for the appr. of real prop., incl. the prep. of narrative rpts. (2) 2

#06-68 SECRETARY I, SR-14, $2,414/mo.

Requirements: (1) A comb. of trng. & exper. subt. equiv. to grad. from high school incl. or supp. by course work in typing & 3 yrs. of secretarial, steno., or subst. clerical exper. (2) Type at the rate of 40 net wpm; as applic. to spec. posns., take dictation at the rate of 80 wpm. (3) 2 may be required for specific posns.

1 Present or submit evidence of trng., e.g. official transcript or diploma.
2 Poss. of a valid motor veh. oper. license valid in the State of HI (equiv. to HI
Type 3)

Applicants must meet requirements at the time of application.
Applicants must pass a pre-empl./post-offer drug screening test as a condition of employment. There is no retesting or re-evaluation process.

Applications may be obtained at:
Dept. of Personnel Svcs., County of Maui, 200 S. High St., Wailuku, Maui; Lanai Police Stn., Lanai City, Lanai; Mitchell Pauole Ctr., Kaunakakai, Molokai; Parks & Rec. Distr. Ofcs. in Kihei, Lahaina & Makawao; Maui Cnty. Bus. Resource Ctr., Maui Mall, Kahului; Dept. of Human Resources Dev., State of HI., 235 S. Beretania St., 11th Fl., Honolulu, Oahu; Dept. of Human Resources, City & Cnty. of Honolulu, 650 S. King St., 10th Fl., Honolulu, Oahu; Dept. of Civil Svc., Cnty. of Hawaii, Aupuni Ctr., 101 Pauahi St., Suite 2, Hilo, Hawaii; Dept. of Personnel Svcs.; Cnty. of Kauai, Moikeha Bldg., 4444 Rice St., Ste. 1401, Lihue, Kauai. Molokai & Lanai residents may request applic. by calling toll free: Molokai residents: 1-800-272-0117, Lanai residents: 1-800-272-0125.

For additional information regarding applications and job specifications, call the Department of Personnel Services at (808) 270-7850 (TDD available).

Visit us at Application forms may be downloaded from


The County of Maui does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services.