The Board of Water Supply (BWS), City and County of Honolulu, anticipates the need for professional services for the fiscal year 2006-07. Professional services may be required in, but shall not be limited to, the following project categories:
1. Project Category 07-01E: Distribution Mains Prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to install distribution water mains (12-inch diameter and smaller) and appurtenances.
2. Project Category 07-02E: Transmission Mains Prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to install transmission water mains (16-inch diameter and larger) and appurtenances.
3. Project Category 07-03E: Topographic and Property Surveys Provide professional land surveying services including, but not limited to, preparation of topographic surveys for the installation of waterworks facilities and property surveys for the establishment of easements and property ownership.
4. Project Category 07-04E: Geotechnical Engineering Provide professional geo- technical engineering services.
5. Project Category 07-05E: Civil Engineering Provide professional civil engineering analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
6. Project Category 07-06E: Mechanical Engineering Provide professional mechanical engineering analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
7. Project Category 07-07E: Electrical Engineering Provide professional electrical engineering analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
8. Project Category 07-08E: Structural Engineering Provide professional structural engineering analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
9. Project Category 07-09E: Architectural Services Provide professional architectural analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
10. Project Category 07-10E: Landscape Architecture Provide professional landscape architectural analysis and design services for the preparation of studies, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and permit applications.
11. Project Category 07-11E: Archaeological Services Provide archaeological services on an on-call, time and materials basis for BWS projects, inclusive of the preparation of archaeological survey reports, archaeological monitoring reports, burial mitigation plans, reinternment of skeletal remains inadvertently discovered during excavation activities, and providing archaeological monitoring services during construction activities in accordance with Department of Land and Natural Resources State Historic Preservation Division requirements.
12. Project Category 07-12E: Hazardous Waste Management Services Provide hazardous waste management services on an on-call, time and materials basis for inadvertent encounters of hazardous materials during BWS construction activities.
13. Project Category 07-13E: Hazardous Materials Services Provide hazardous materials services for BWS projects. Perform materials testing and provide reporting of test results and recommendations. Prepare permit applications, plans, and specifications for the removal and disposal of hazardous materials in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations. Provide project inspection and testing at jobsite. Submit final report and certifications.
14. Project Category 07-14E: Environmental Assessments / Environmental Impact Statements Provide environmental consultant services for the preparation of environmental assessments or environmental impact statements for BWS projects.
15. Project Category 07-15E: Construction Management Provide construction management services for BWS projects. Services to be provided shall include, but not be limited to, review of plans and specifications prior to start of construction, construction inspection, contract administration, cost and quality control, review and recommendation of action on contractor submittals, contract change orders, and claims, and maintenance and submittal of all required records and reports.
16. Project Category 07-16EC: Water Sampling Services Provide various potable and non potable water sampling, collection and laboratory testing services for various chemical and microbiological parameters using approved testing procedures. Perform appropriate quality control procedures.
17. Project Category 07-17IT: Geographic Information System (GIS) Application and Database Development and Update Perform all services in connection with developing and updating GIS applications and BWS GIS database.
18. Project Category 07-18IT: Net Application Development Services Plan, design, develop, implement, maintain and support .Net software applications.
19. Project Category 07-19IT: SQL Server Database Services Provide SQL Server database modeling, planning, design, implementation, maintenance and support services.
20. Project Category 07-20IT: Web Application Services Plan, design, develop, implement, maintain and support web applications.
21. Project Category 07-21IT: Citrix Services Provide planning, design, implantation, maintenance and support services for Citrix software.
22. Project Category 07-22IT: Filenet and Kofax Services Provide planning, design, implementation, maintenance and support services for Filenet and Kofax software.
23. Project Category 07-23IT: Altiris Services Provide planning, design, implementation, maintenance and support services for Altiris software.
24. Project Category 07-24IT: Network and IP Phone Services Provide planning, design, implementation, maintenance and support services for Cisco network and Cisco IP phone hardware and software.
25. Project Category 07-25CRO: Marketing and Public Relations Services Provide planning, coordination and implementation services for internal and external outreach, education and advertising, if necessary, for various BWS projects.
26. Project Category 07-26CRO: Legislative and City Council Liaison – Provide services to perform as the liaison of the BWS with the Hawaii State Legislature and the City Council, City and County of Honolulu.
27. Project Category 07-27L: Legal Services Provide professional legal services to the BWS. Services may be required in, but shall not be limited to, the following areas or specialties: Administrative Law, Bankruptcy, Business (domestic and international), Civil Litigation, Civil Rights including ADA, Collections, Constitutional Law, Construction Law, Criminal Defense, Eminent Domain, Employment Law including discrimination, Environmental Law, Governmental Contracting, Labor Law, Land Use including planning and zoning, Procurement, Public and Charitable Trust Law, Public Financing, Real Estate, Tax, Torts including malpractice, defamation and other international torts, and Workers Compensation.
Law firms or attorneys interested in being retained to provide legal services in these areas should submit a letter of interest together with a resume which includes information about the following:
(1) The name of the firm or person, the principal place of business, and location of all of its offices;
(2) The area(s) of interest for consideration;
(3) The age of the firm and its average number of employees over the past years;
(4) The education, training, and qualifications of key members of the firm;
(5) The names and phone numbers of up to five clients who may be contacted, including at least two for whom services were rendered during the preceding year;
(6) Any promotional or descriptive literature which the firm desires to submit;
(7) The range of hourly rates charged by the attorney, paralegal and other billable staff as well as a summary of the types and amounts of costs charged by the firm;
(8) The jurisdictions (state and courts) in which the attorney is licensed and authorized to practice.
28. Project Category 07-28F: Audit and Accounting Services Provide professional audit and accounting services and financial analyses for special projects as needed.
29. Project Category 07-29F: Financial Services Provide financial services for the issuance and sale of bonds and other financial instruments.
30. Project Category 07-30HR: Human Resource Services – Provide professional human resource services including but not limited to the following: employment risk assessment; medical analysis and assessment; compensation analysis; salary surveys; investigative services; equal employment/affirmative action; training and staff development; workers compensation; or services related to human resources management.
31. Project Category 07-31WR: Water Conservation Program Planning Provide planning and implementation services for developing the BWS water conservation program and identifying the critical components that need to be addressed within the current internal and external conservation programs. Services also include integrating and coordinating the Water Conservation Program with applicable BWS plans and initiatives (public campaign, CMMS, watershed management strategy, etc.) Development services, include national benchmarking, organizational development, water and energy demand-side management projects and programs, public education and outreach, technical services for utility water auditing procedures, aid in the development and implementation of utility water use efficiency practices and water loss control programs, pilot projects, economic analysis tools, metrics and monitoring plans.
Any inquiries regarding the project category shall be directed to Procurement Office at 748-5078. Any firm or person who is interested in being considered for providing services and who has the qualifications and resources should submit a letter of interest together with statements of qualification in the manner specified under SUBMITTAL MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS.
Award of projects is subject to the availability of funds and approval by the Board of Water Supply. Qualifications submitted for only parts of the work defined within the project category shall be considered non-responsive to this notice.
The BWS will be preparing a list of qualified consultants for each category of professional service to be utilized throughout the fiscal year. Additional notices for professional services may be given if (1) the response to the initial notice is inadequate; (2) the response to the initial notice does not result in adequate representation of available sources; or (3) previously unanticipated needs for professional services arise. Additional notices are posted on the BWS website. The website address is
1. Letter of interest indicating the specific categories in which services are offered.
2. PROVIDE FOUR COPIES OF SEPARATE STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR EACH CATEGORY. Each statement shall highlight qualifications, expertise, and experience relevant to the specific project category. Separate statements will allow simultaneous review by multiple screening/review committees. Failure to provide separate statements of qualifications may limit consideration.
3. The Standard Form Revised 330 (SFR330) shall be used as the standard format for the statement of qualifications. The form can be downloaded from the Board of Water Supply website at ( or obtained from the BWS Office of Procurement at 630 South Beretania Street, Third Floor, Room 307. (NOTE: Only submittals for Project Categories 07-01E – 07-15E are required to complete sections C and D of the SFR 330.)
4. Curricula vitae for all key personnel within the firm shall also be included with the SFR330.
5. Sub consultants to be utilized on specific projects shall be listed on the submitted SFR330. A separate SFR330 for each sub consultant shall not be submitted.
6. The following information shall be included in the SFR330 form:
a. The name of the firms or persons principal place of business and locations of all of its offices;
b. The age of the firm and its average number of employees over the past five years;
c. The education, training, and qualifications of key members of the firm;
d. The names and phone numbers of up to five clients who may be contacted, including at least two for whom services were rendered during the preceding year;
e. Certification as a recognized or registered small, minority, women-owned, veteran-owned, service disabled veteran-owned, HUBzone, and/or other disadvantaged business enterprises as defined by the U.S. government. It is BWS\u2019 intention to award a fair proportion of purchases, contracts, and subcontracts with small business concerns, as prescribed by the U.S. G overnment. Evaluation criteria for award will include considerations for such business enterprises;
f. Certification that applicant and its principals, to the best of its knowledge and belief: (a) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded by any Federal department or agency; (b) have not within a three-year period preceding this submission been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commissions of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (b) of this section; and (d) have not within a three-year period preceding this submission had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default.;
g. Any conflict of interest in performing services for the Board of Water Supply and/or the City and County of Honolulu;
h. A listing of all projects under contract with the Board of Water Supply and/or the City and County of Honolulu;
i. Proposed staff commitment;
j. Other pertinent data related to the project category;
k. Any promotional or descriptive literature that the firm desires to submit.
l. Past record of performance on contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules;
7. Delivery address for submittals is as follows:
Attn: Statements of Qualifications
Honolulu Board of Water Supply
Office of Procurement
Public Service Building, Room 307
630 South Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96843
Submit the submittal materials no later than 4:30p.m. on June 28, 2006 to the BWS Office of Procurement. Submittals received after this date may receive limited consideration. NO FACSIMILE OR ELECTRONIC SUBMITTALS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Access our Internet This information is available from the BWS website at
Manager and Chief Engineer
Board of Water Supply (SB05522917 5/21/06)
Notice #: 05522917