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Notice #: 05522844

(Chapter 103D, HRS)

SEALED BIDS will be received at the HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF HAWAII (HCDCH), 677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Hawaii, up to 2:00 p.m., June 22, 2006 for REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS AT POHULANI, 626 CORAL STREET, KAKAAKO, HAWAII, JOB NO. 05-001-8514-S (IFB-PMB-2006-10), at which time all bids received will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bidding documents may be examined or obtained at the Central Files at the above address. A CASHIER’S CHECK (payable to HCDCH) or cash for $25.00 per set is required. Payments are non-refundable.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO BID: INTENT TO BID must be received by the HCDCH at 677 Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaii no later than 2:00 p.m. on the tenth (10th) calendar day prior to the date designated for opening of bids. Intent forms are included in the bidding documents and are available at the above address. The Notice may be filed by fax at (808-587-0600/0588). Bidders must possess a valid State of Hawaii Contractor’s B License to be eligible to bid.
Bidders shall comply with all requirements of the bidding documents. Written questions may be directed to the architect, Richard Matsunaga and Associates at 1150 South King Street, 8th Floor, Honolulu, Hawaii or FAX number (808) 591-1618. No questions will be considered less than ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening.
All bids shall include a line item cost for the State General Excise Tax of 4.166%. Bid security of at least five percent (5%) of the bid amount, including amount for additive alternatives, is required.
HCDCH may reject any and all bids and may waive any bid defects whenever HCDCH deems such action is in the best interest of the HCDCH. The determination of the lowest responsible bidder will be made by the HCDCH.
The Pre-Bid Site Inspection Meeting is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 1, 2006. All interested Contractors and Subcontractors shall confirm their visit with Carl Nii, Richard Matsunaga & Associates’ representative at (808) 591-1818. Bidders will not be allowed on the site at any other time. Attendance by all bidders on this project is recommended.


Stephanie Aveiro
Executive Director
(SB05522844 5/15, 5/17/06)