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Notice #: 05522655

Notice of Mortgagee\u2019s Intent to Foreclose under Power of Sale Argent Mortgage Company, LLC. by AMC Mortgage Services Inc, as authorized agent, (\u201DMortgagee\u201D) whose address is 505 City Parkway West, Suite 200, Orange, CA 92868, as mortgagee pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes §§ 667-5 through 667-10 as amended, and that mortgage dated 05-18-2005, recorded on 05-24-2005, in the Bureau of Conveyances, State of Hawaii as Document No. 3272062, gives notice that Mortgagee will hold a sale by public auction on 06-02-2006 12:00 PM at At the Ewa end area fronting the First Circuit Court Building 777 Punchbowl Street Honolulu, HI 96813, of real property located at 47-745 Kamehameha Highway Kaneohe, HI 96744 TMK TMK(S) (1) 4-7-017-014-0000, as more fully described in: All of that certain parcel of land situate at Kaalaea, District of Koolaupoko, City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, described as follows: Lot 18, area 4,491 square feet, more or less, as shown on map 3, filed in the Office of the Assistant Registar of the Land Court of the State of Hawaii with Land Court Application No. 446 of Harry Livingstone Kerr; together with a perpetual easement of the right of way over, upon, along and across \u201DMakaipooa Road\u201D and Lot 15, area 842 square feet, as shown on map 1 of said Land Court Application No. 446; being the land(s) described in Transer Certificate of Title No. 749,752 issued to Jeanne Carney, unmarried as tenant in severalty by Land Court Document No. 3272061. Terms of the sale are (1) No upset price; (2) the property is sold strictly in \u201Das is\u201D condition; (3) the property is sold without covenant or warranty, either expressed or implied, as to title, possession or encumbrances; (4) at the close of the auction, the Purchaser must pay 100% of the highest successfully bid price in cash, or by cashier\u2019s or certified check, provided, however, that Mortgage may submit a credit bid up to the amount of the secured indebt ness; (5) the property is to be conveyed by Mortgagee\u2019s quitclaim conveyance, which shall be provided by Mortgagee within twenty-one (21) days after sale, and upon payment by the Purchaser of all costs related to sale, including, but not limited to: costs of drafting the conveyance document, notary fees, consent fees, escrow fees, conveyance tax, recordation fees and prorated charges, together with any special assessments which may arise under Hawaii Revised Statute 514A-90 Et. Seq.; (6) the availability of title or other insurance shall not be a condition of closing, and the Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining a certificate of title and title insurance, if so desired; (7) the obligation for taxes, lease/ground rent, common expenses and similar charges shall be prorated as of closing; (8) the Purchaser shall not take occupancy prior to closing, and responsibility of securing possession of the property as of closing shall be with the Purchaser; and (9) this sale may be postponed from time to time by public announcement made by Mortgagee or someone acting on Mortgagee\u2019s behalf. Notice is hereby given that this action is an attempt to collect a debt, that any information obtained will be used for that purpose, and that the debt may be disputed. Inquiries should be directed to Town & Country Title Services, Inc., Agent for Mortgagee, at 505 City Parkway West, Suite 200 Orange, California 92868 Phone 888-485-9191. Argent Mortgage Company, LLC., By AMC Mortgage Services, Inc, as agent for Mortgagee (888) 485-9191 714-259-7850 By: Dawn L. Reynolds, Assistant Secretary State of: CA County of: Orange On this April 27, 2006, before me Ursula B. Cruz, Notary Public, personally appeared Dawn L. Reynolds, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn of affirmed, did say that such person executed the foregoing instrument as the free act and deed of such person, and if applicable in the capacity shown, having been duly authorized to execute such instrument in such capacity. Ursula B. Cruz, Notary Public My Comm. Expires Aug 29, 2008 ASAP# 768386 05/01/2006, 05/08/2006, 05/15/2006 (SB05522654 5/1, 5/8, 5/15/06)