State of Hawaii – Department of Health
Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Full-time Exempt Position (NTE through 8/31/06)
Salary Range – Annual: $50,000-$58,000
Location – Oahu
Investigates individual cases and outbreaks of unusual, new, rare, or serious illness; implements disease prevention and control measures; evaluates program needs; prepares grant requests, statistical, analytical and narrative reports; and represents the Department of Health in the general public, physicians groups, and other agencies.
Will be required to work independently to assist in disease surveillance projects which may require skills in information technology.
Req: College or university degree with two (2) biological science courses; valid drivers license and ability to travel. Training in microbiology or a Masters degree with major in Epidemiology or related public health specialty highly desirable.
Submit a letter of interest, resume including salary history and names/contact information of 3 references by April 14, 2006 to:
Ms. D. Young
Hawaii Department of Health
Disease Outbreak Control Division
P.O. Box 3378
Honolulu, HI 96813
or Facsimile: (808) 586-4595