O`ahu Agricultural Development
Grant Program
O`ahu Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council is seeking Pre-Applications for projects from agricultural producers (individuals or groups) to expand their agricultural-related business on the Island of O`ahu. There is up to $110,000 available to fund projects that:
positively impact the O`ahu economy by creating more and better jobs or businesses
are sustainable after using these funds, and
positively impact the surrounding community
Grants are anticipated to be between $5,000 and $80,000. Likelihood of business success is a critical component. Successful applicants will receive funding for expenses associated with projects related to:
a. Expanding production and/or expanding processing and/or sales.
b. Expanding marketable agricultural products and services
Applicants must submit a brief 2 page pre- application. A full proposal will be requested only from the strongest pre-applications that best address the above criteria. This is an up-to 80% Cost-Share program.
Pre-Applications must be received at O`ahu RC&D office by 3:00 pm, Monday, April 24th 2006.
A copy of the pre-application criteria and template is available from the:
O`ahu RC&D Council, Inc.
Telephone 483 8600 ext. 113
Or at www.pacrimrcd.org/Page.asp?NavID=303
(SB05521967 3/26/06)