Pursuant to 24 CFR Part 91, notice is given that a draft Annual Action Plan (AAP) for program year July 1, 2006 June 30, 2007 has been prepared by the Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii (HCDCH), Department of Human Services, State of Hawaii. The State is making copies of the proposed AAP available for review and comment.
The purpose of the Consolidated Plan and the AAP is to ensure that jurisdictions receiving federal assistance plan for the housing and related needs of low- and moderate-income families in a way that improves the availability and affordability of decent, safe, and sanitary housing in suitable living environments. To receive funding under certain U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs, the State must have a housing strategy that has been approved by HUD.
The proposed AAP consists of 1) a strategic plan to address the provision of affordable housing, prevention of homelessness, responding to the special needs of Hawaii residents, and resources available to meet the needs; and 2) an action plan including the resources (federal, private, and public funds) available, description of the States method for distributing funds to local governments and non-profit organizations to carry out activities to address the priority of needs.
Copies of the proposed AAP are available for public viewing at regional libraries and on the HCDCHs website at http:// Copies may also be picked up at the agencies listed below between the hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Interested persons may call Medy Esmena at 587-0634; Neighbor Island residents may call toll free at the numbers listed below to be mailed copies:
Kauai 274-3141, ext. 70634 Hawaii 974-4000, ext. 70634
Maui 984-2400, ext. 70634 Molokai and Lanai 1-800-468-4644, ext. 70634
Office of Housing and Community Development
50 Wailuku Drive, Hilo, Hawaii
Department of Housing and Human Concerns
86 Kamehameha Avenue, Kahului, Maui
Kauai County Housing Agency
4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, Kauai
Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii
677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Oahu
Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii
1002 North School Street, Honolulu, Oahu
Interested persons are invited to state their views on the proposed AAP in writing prior to May 5, 2006, to HCDCH at the aforementioned address. Written comments may be submitted via fax to (808) 587-0600 by 4:30 p.m. on May 5, 2006. All comments received will be considered in preparing the final State AAP.
Persons with special needs (e.g., large print, taped materials, sign language interpreter, or translator) shall make all requests to HCDCH by calling 587-0634 and from the neighbor islands toll free at the numbers listed above for access and communication assistance or by written request at least five (5) days before the end of the comment period.
HCDCH does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, ancestry, age, marital status, or HIV infection.
Stephanie Aveiro
Executive Director
Housing and Community Development Corporation of Hawaii
Department of Human Services
State of Hawaii (SB05521865 4/4/06)