State of Hawaii, Department of Health
Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD)
Non-Civil Service Positions (Exempt)
Supervises and coordinates the PI program and functions for AMHD. Provides oversight for the quality of AMHD funded services. MQ: Bachelors or masters degree in social work, psychology, sociology, nursing, or other related field; relevant licensure; and 1 year of supervisory experience. 2 years experience in quality improvement preferred.
Ensures the dissemination of consistent and uniform information to AMHD funded purchase of service providers. MQ: Experience in implementation of service delivery of mental health programs and services. Prefers a Masters degree in public/health administration, business, healthcare or other related social service field, or a minimum of 5 years experience managing a social service agency involving responsibility for coordination of programs and activities may be substituted for the educational requirement.
You may call for or pickup an application and request additional information on benefits. Return application, resume, and salary requirements to: Adult Mental Health Division, 1250 Punchbowl Street, Room 256, Honolulu, HI 96813, Attn: Personnel (Inquires: 586-4675)
Continuous recruitment until positions are filled; however, only applications postmarked by March 10, 2006 are assured of receiving full consideration
An Equal Opportunity Employer