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Notice #: 05521419


In accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regarding the Consolidated Plan, the City and County of Honolulu hereby provides a list of projects being proposed for the City\u2019s Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2007 (July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007). The City’s Consolidated Plan contains the identified housing and community development needs and a long-range strategic plan to achieve those needs. The annual Action Plan contains the projects the City will undertake in the upcoming year to address the needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. The proposed projects in this, the City’s 12th Action Plan, are as follows:

Eligibility and Acti-
National Objective vity Fund- Proposed
Project Title And Description Citation Code ing Phase Amount ($) Location Proposed Accomplishment Subrecipient

100th Infantry Battalion Veterans Elig: 570.202(a) 14B CDBG Other 135,000 516 Kamoku Street Supports additional housing for 100th Infantry
Provision of funds for renovation of an existing 3-story, NO: 570.208(a)(3) Honolulu, HI 96826 persons of low- and moderate-income. Battalion Veterans
23-unit apartment complex.

Affordable Housing & Homeless Alliance – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 03T CDBG Other 250,000 Community-wide Supports programs for homeless Affordable Housing
Provision of funds for staff and overhead to help open 3 NO: 570.208(a)(2) persons. & Homeless Alliance
Homeless Resource Centers on the North Shore,
Central/Leeward and Windward Oahu.

American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) Elig: Not applicable 13 HOME Oper 87,833 Community-wide Promotes homeownership. Not applicable
Provision of funds for a homeowner downpayment NO: Not applicable
loan program.

Blueprint for Change – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 62,000 Community-wide Supports programs for families of low- Blueprint for
Provision of funds to staff programs to provide NO: 570.208(a)(2) and moderate-income. Change
comprehensive family-centered, community based
services to protect children from the risk or impact of
abuse or neglect.

Central Oahu Youth Services Assn. (COYSA) Elig: 570.201(d) 04 CDBG Other 50,000 66-528 Haleiwa Road Supports programs for youth of Central Oahu Youth
Provision of funds for demolition of a building considered NO: 570.208(a)(2) Haleiwa, HI 96712 low- and moderate-income. Services Assn.
to be a blight in the community.

Community Assistance Elig: Not applicable 21A HOME Oper 50,000 Not applicable Promotes effective administration of Not applicable
Provision of funds for administrative support of NO: Not applicable the Rehabilitation Loan Program and
the Rehabilitation Loan Program and eligible eligible homeownership programs.
homeownership programs.

Community-Based Development Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 549,292 Not applicable Supports community-based Not applicable
Provision of funds for the administration and coordination of NO: 570.208(d)(4) development projects.
the City\u2019s efforts to provide community-based development.

Downpayment Loan Program Elig: Not applicable 13 HOME Oper 750,000 Community-wide Promotes homeownership for Not applicable
Provision of funds for use in the Downpayment NO: Not applicable persons of lower income.
Loan Program.

Easter Seals Hawaii Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 1,500,000 Makakilo Drive Supports programs for disabled Easter Seals
Provision of funds for construction of a facility in Makakilo NO: 570.208(a)(2) Kapolei, HI 96707 adults and youth of low- and Hawaii
that will provide services for the disabled residing on moderate-income.
the Leeward Coast.

Emergency Shelter Grants Program Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 443,296 Community-wide Provides additional housing and To be
Provision of funds to assist homeless persons by providing NO: 570.208(a)(2) ESG 453,742 support services resources to determined
shelter and supportive services. Grantees may include, providers of homeless services.
but are not limited to: Ho\u2019omau Ke Ola which provides
substance abuse treatment; Child & Family Service for
domestic abuse shelters; Institute for Human Services which
operates emergency shelters; Kalihi Palama Health Center
which provides health clinic services at the IHS Sumner
Shelter; Parents & Children Together for a domestic abuse
shelter; Homeless Solutions which operates two City-owned
family transitional shelters; Catholic Charities for the
Maililand family shelter; Hale Kipa\u2019s transitional living
program for youth; Mental Health Kokua for Safe Haven;
Salvation Army for emergency rental assistance and
budgeting classes; Windward Spouse Abuse for
a domestic abuse shelter.

Fiscal Support Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 100,662 Not applicable Supports proper administration and Not applicable
Provision of funds for fiscal support of federally-funded NO: 570.208(d)(4) oversight of the CDBG, HOME, ESG
programs. and HOPWA programs.

Good Beginnings Alliance – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 100,000 Community-wide Supports programs for families of low- Good Beginnings
Provision of funds to be used for overhead and staffing for NO: 570.208(a)(2) and moderate-income. Alliance
several programs including Family Strengthening; Community
Strengthening; Outreach to isolated families of young children.

Habitat for Humanity Leeward Oahu, Inc. Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 900,000 119 Kaukamana Street Supports additional housing for Habitat for
Provision of funds for engineering, surveying, demolition of NO: 570.208(a)(2) Waianae, HI 96792 persons of low- and moderate-income. Humanity Leeward
substandard housing and installation of infrastructure for a Oahu, Inc.
3.21 acre parcel in Mai\u2019li which will be developed into 27
homes for very low-income families.

Hawaii Homeownership Center – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 125,000 Community-wide Supports programs for persons of Hawaii Home-
Provision of funds for staff to provide outreach, NO: 570.208(a)(2) low- and moderate-income. Ownership Center
education and counseling to first-time homebuyers
in the Homebuyer Education Program.

Hawaii Housing Development Corporation Elig: 570.201(c) 03J CDBG Other 100,000 TMK: 1-8-6-1:035 Supports additional housing for Hawaii Housing
Provision of funds for acquisition of a site in Waianae to NO: 570.208(a)(1) HOME 560,000 Waianae, HI 96792 persons of low- and moderate-income. Development Corp.
develop a 99-unit family affordable rental project. CDBG
funds will be used to upgrade the existing off-site sewer line.

Hawaii Literacy, Inc. – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 83,338 Kalihi-area Supports programs for persons of Hawaii Literacy,
Provision of funds for staffing and project costs for the NO: 570.208(a)(1) low- and moderate-income. Inc.
Family Literacy Program in Kuhio Park Terrace and
Mayor Wright Housing in Kalihi.

Helping Hands Hawaii – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 122,069 Community-wide Supports programs for persons of Helping Hands
Provision of funds for Community Clearinghouse operational NO: 570.208(a)(2) low- and moderate-income. Hawaii
costs for a program that solicits and receives donated goods
to distribute to clients referred by social service agencies.

Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) Elig: Not applicable 03S HOPWA Other 432,560 Community-wide Provides additional housing and To be
Provision of funds to provide rental assistance and NO: Not applicable support services for persons with determined
supportive services. Grantees may include, but are not HIV/AIDS.
limited to: Gregory House Programs and Life Foundation.

Hui Kauhale, Inc. Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 2,500,000 Ewa Villages, Area H Promotes affordable housing Hui Kauhale, Inc.
Provision of funds for construction costs and monitoring for NO: Not applicable Ewa Beach, HI 96706 opportunities for lower-income
64 units of one, two and three bedroom units located in six households.
two-story buildings.

Korean American Foundation, Hawaii Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 1,750,000 525 Kiapu Place Provides additional housing for seniors Korean American
Provision of funds for replacement of the central facility and a NO: Not applicable Honolulu, HI 96817 of lower income. Foundation, Hawaii
bungalow structure of the Korean Care Home.

Labor Standards Monitoring Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 90,359 Not applicable Provides monitoring support of projects Not applicable
Provision of funds for the administration and coordination NO: 570.208(d)(4) for labor standards compliance.
of the City\u2019s Labor Standards monitoring for CDBG- and
HOME-funded projects.

Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation – Iwilei Elig: 570.201(c) 03A CDBG Other 1,806,941 Iwilei Road Supports community-based services Pacific Housing
Provision of funds to construct a senior center NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96817 for seniors of low- and moderate- Assistance Corp.
within Iwilei Senior Housing. income.

Parents and Children Together Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 100,000 Confidential Provides additional support services Parents and
Provision of funds to replace roofing, broken rain gutters, NO: 570.208(a)(2) to victims of domestic violence. Children Together
corroded plumbing, cabinets/countertops and install solar
water heating unit at a domestic violence shelter.

Parents and Children Together Elig: 570.201(o) 18C CDBG Other 101,885 Community-wide Provides additional microenterprise Parents and
Provision of funds for the Economic Development Center, NO: 570.208(a)(2) support services for persons of low- Children Together
that assists in creating micro-enterprises to help low-moderate and moderate-income.
income individuals living in public housing become licensed
childcare business owners and achieve \u201Dself-sufficiency.\u201D

Parents and Children Together – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 116,606 Community-wide Provides additional support services Parents and
Provision of funds for staffing to continue and expand NO: 570.208(a)(2) to victims of domestic violence. Children Together
comprehensive crisis response, care and support for
victims of domestic violence.

Program Administration Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 712,841 Not applicable Promotes effective CDBG, HOME, Not applicable
Provision of funds for administrative costs associated NO: 570.208(d)(4) HOME 70,000 ESG and HOPWA administration.
with the City\u2019s CDBG and HOME programs, and
oversight of the ESG and HOPWA programs.

Rehabilitation Loan Program – Commercial Elig: 570.202(a) 14E CDBG Oper 50,000 Chinatown-area Supports activities to address slum or Not applicable
Provision of funds for a program that provides commercial NO: 570.208(b)(2) blight on a spot basis, and as such
loans to owners of property located in Chinatown, designated shall comply with the necessary
on the Chinatown Historic Preservation Plan and the Hawaii documentation for health and safety-
Register of Historic Places. related deficiencies.

Rehabilitation Loan Program – Residential Elig: 570.202(a) 14A CDBG Oper 450,000 Community-wide Supports decent, safe and sanitary Not applicable
Provision of funds for a program that provides housing NO: 570.208(a)(3) housing island-wide.
rehabilitation loans to benefit low- and moderate-income

Special Projects Elig: 570.206 21A CDBG Oper 719,042 Not applicable Supports community-based Not applicable
Provision of funds for the administration and NO: 570.208(d)(4) development projects.
coordination of the City\u2019s efforts to support
CDBG-eligible special projects.

St. Francis Healthcare System of Hawaii Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 3,000,000 91-1219 Renton Road Supports additional housing and St. Francis
Provision of funds for on-site improvements related to the NO: 570.208(a)(2) HOME 500,000 Ewa Beach, HI 96706 community facilities for persons of Healthcare System
development of rental and for-sale housing for seniors and low- and moderate-income. of Hawaii
low- and moderate-income families. CDBG funds will be used
to construct infrastructure to support the community facilities
such as the senior community center and adult day care facility.

United States Veterans Initiative Elig: 570.202(a) 14B CDBG Other 210,000 Building 34 Supports additional housing for United States
Provision of funds to rehabilitate 12 permanent housing units NO: 570.208(a)(3) Kalaeloa, HI 96707 persons of low- and moderate-income. Veterans Initiative
in Building 34 at Barbers Point, Kalaeloa, HI.

Volunteer Legal Services Hawaii – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05C CDBG Other 80,000 Community-wide Supports legal programs for Volunteer Legal
Provision of funds for staffing and overhead for the Homeless NO: 570.208(a)(2) persons of low- and moderate-income. Services Hawaii
Support Legal Program, that provides legal support for people
in emergency and transitional shelters.

Women In Need – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Oper 50,000 Waianae Coast Supports additional support services Women in Need
Provision of funds for staff and overhead to run the Family NO: 570.208(a)(1) to victims of domestic violence.
Resource Center and provide supportive services for women
transitioning out of abuse shelters and substance abuse
treatment facilities, as well as others at risk of homelessness.

Young Men\u2019s Christian Association (YMCA) – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 250,000 Kalihi/Palama/Chinatown, Supports programs for persons of Young Men\u2019s
Provision of funds for staff and overhead for the Weed and NO: 570.208(a)(1) McCully/Ala Moana and low- and moderate-income. Christian
Seed Program, including overtime for police officers. Waianae areas Association

Total 19,412,466

Alternate Projects:
Funding up to:
Samoan Service Providers Association – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05H CDBG Other 350,000 Community-wide Supports community-based economic Samoan Service
Funding for a job training and employment services NO: 570.208(a)(2) development projects. Providers Assn.
project, teaching basic skills to residents of public
housing in Kalihi-Palama.

Adult Friends for Youth – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05D CDBG Other 100,000 Kalihi Area Assists disadvantaged youth. Adult Friends
Provide grant funds to Adult Friends for Youth for a NO: 570.208(a)(1) for Youth
youth gang intervention program.

Sisters Offering Support – PS Elig: 570.201(e) 05 CDBG Other 157,000 Community-wide Provides additional support Sisters Offering
Provide grant funds for expanded direct services to low- to NO: 570.208(a)(2) service resources for victims of Support
moderate-income adult persons at high risk or already involved sexual exploitation.
in the commercial sex trade, or recovering from the abuse of
prostitution-related violence and negative consequences.

Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation – Iwilei Elig: 570.201(c) 03A CDBG Other 693,059 Iwilei Road Supports community-based services Pacific Housing
Provision of funds to construct a senior center NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96817 for seniors of low- and moderate- Assistance Corp.
within Iwilei Senior Housing. income.

Kokua Kalihi Valley Elig: 570.201(c) 03P CDBG Other 500,000 2229 North School St. Supports community-based health Kokua Kalihi
Rehabilitation of the P&P Building to expand KKV\u2019s NO: 570.208(a)(1) Honolulu, HI 96819 services for persons of low- and Valley
current health facility and increase capacity. moderate-income.

Mutual Housing Association of Hawaii Elig: 570.201(c) 03 CDBG Other 695,000 Palolo Valley Homes Supports community-based services Mutual Housing
Renovation of existing second floor community center NO: 570.208(a)(2) Honolulu, HI 96816 for persons of low- and Association of
to accommodate existing and proposed learning center moderate-income. Hawaii
programs and to provide ADA accessibility.

Pacific Housing Assistance Corporation – Kapolei Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 2,834,000 91-1060 Namahoe St. Provides affordable housing Pacific Housing
Funding will be used for engineering and construction NO: Not applicable Kapolei, HI 96707 opportunities for seniors of lower Assistance Corp.
costs for a housing project that will be used by low- and income.
very low-income seniors.

Korean American Foundation, Hawaii Elig: Not applicable 12 HOME Other 750,000 525 Kiapu Place Provides additional housing for seniors Korean American
Provision of funds for replacement of the central facility and a NO: Not applicable Honolulu, HI 96817 of lower income. Foundation, Hawaii
bungalow structure of the Korean Care Home.

The public is advised that the City and County of Honolulu may incur preaward costs under the CDBG and HOME programs that will not exceed 25% of the current CDBG and HOME allocations. CDBG and HOME funds will be used to reimburse the City when funds become available, subject to sufficient funding from the HUD. Should funds not be available, the City will cover the costs or future funding for CDBG and HOME projects will be reduced.

In addition, pursuant to the HUD Workout Agreement, the City is required to prepare a list of alternate projects that will be funded in the event that the selected projects cannot be implemented. Also, the City will permit their funding in the subsequent year if there are insufficient funds in the current year. These alternate projects are also listed above.

All interested parties are invited to attend and provide testimony at an upcoming City Council Public Hearing, time and date to be announced.

The proposed projects and allocations listed in this Notice are current as of February 14, 2006 and are not indicative of subsequent changes made by the City Council.

Interested parties may submit written comments prior to March 16, 2006 to: Holly Kawano, Federal Grants Coordinator
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
City and County of Honolulu
530 South King Street, Room 208
Honolulu, HI 96813

All comments received by the deadline will be taken under advisement in the preparation of the City\u2019s Final Twelfth (12th) Year Action Plan.

Copies of the Proposed Twelfth (12th) Year Action Plan are available for public review at the Municipal Reference Library, City Hall Annex, 558 South King Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, or on the City\u2019s website at:

Upon approval of the City\u2019s Final Twelfth (12th) Year Action Plan by the City Council, the Plan will be submitted to HUD on or about May 15, 2006.
Mary Patricia Waterhouse, Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
(SB05521419 2/14/06) City and County of Honolulu