Pursuant to the City and County of Honolulus Citizen Participation Plan for the CDBG program, the following is provided for your information. The amended project description for the following FY06 project is being proposed for implementation.
Project Title and Description: Empower Oahu
Provision of funds to continue the Community Strengthening grant program which implements projects from the Navigating the New Economy Action Plan, and for administrative and grant management costs related to oversight.
Eligibility and National Objective Citation: Elig: 570.205 and 570.206 NO: 570.208(d)(4)
Activity Code: 20 and 21A
Funding Source: CDBG
Phase: Other
Proposed Amount: $150,000 ($62,292 Planning, $87,708 Administration)
Location: Community-wide
Proposed Accomplishment: Promotes effective planning and administration of the Community Strengthening grant program.
Subrecipient: Empower Oahu
Interested parties may submit written comments prior to March 8, 2006 by addressing correspondence to:
Holly Kawano, Federal Grants Coordinator Mary Patricia Waterhouse, Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
530 South King Street, Room 208 By order of MUFI HANNEMANN, MAYOR
Honolulu, HI 96813 City and County of Honolulu
(SB05521267 2/6/06)