Police Cadet
Part- time employment
For those interested in a law enforcement career, who may be in school or working full-time and want to transition slowly into law enforcement with the Hawai`i Police Department.
Minimum qualification requirements:
graduation from high school or equivalent.
(High school seniors who meet the high school
graduation requirements by February 29th must have written documentation from their high school that they meet the high school graduation requirements and
submit documentation with the application.)
must be qualified to carry firearms
(no domestic violence convictions)
be of good moral character
be physically fit
Phase I will involve one year of academic training in police work. It will entail three hours of class work a week, scheduled for the late afternoon one day a week at the Hawai`i Police Department.
Phase II will start in the second year and Police Cadets will work 16 hours a week in designated sections of the Hawai`i Police Department.
Police Cadets will transition to the full-time Police Officer I level (Police Recruit) upon reaching their 21st birthday and/or satisfactory completion of their training. The duration of training at the Recruit level will be highly shortened having received such training as Police Cadets.
Police Cadets will earn vacation and sick leave benefits starting with their second year in the program and will be credited with service to the County of Hawai`i from their initial date of hire. Police Cadets attending the University of Hawai`i at Hilo or Hawai`i Community College on a part-time or full-time basis are eligible to apply for the County of Hawai`i Police Cadet Tuition Reimbursement Program for tuition, books, and fees reimbursement.
To apply for the Police Cadet recruitment, call the County of Hawaii job hotline at (808) 961-8618 or visit to download an application packet.
Recruitment closes on February 29, 2008
The County of Hawai`i is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.