The COUNCIL OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU at its meeting held on January 23, 2008, passed the following bills and resolution on Second Reading by the following votes:
BILL 68 (2007) Traffic Code. (Amending the City Traffic Code to eliminate the minimum height requirement for auxiliary driving lamps.)
AYES: Councilmembers Apo, Cachola, Dela Cruz, Djou, Garcia, Kobayashi, Marshall, Okino, Tam 9.
BILL 91 (2007) Water conservation measures. (Requiring low-flow showerheads at all City parks.)
AYES: Councilmembers Apo, Cachola, Dela Cruz, Djou, Garcia, Kobayashi, Marshall, Tam 8.
NOES: Councilmember Okino 1.
BILL 92 (2007) Real property assessment appeals. (Providing for the return of costs deposited by a taxpayer on appeal to the board of review if the appeal is sustained.)
AYES: Councilmembers Apo, Cachola, Dela Cruz, Djou, Garcia, Kobayashi, Marshall, Okino,
Tam 9.
BILL 100 (2007) Temporary vacancies on boards, commissions or committees. (Providing a procedure for the appointment of one or more individuals to serve on a board, commission or committee.)
AYES: Councilmembers Apo, Cachola, Dela Cruz, Djou, Garcia, Kobayashi, Marshall, Okino,
Tam 9.
RESOLUTION 07-391, CD1 Charter Amendment relating to conflicts of interest of City officers. (Initiating amendments to the Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu 1973, as amended, to prohibit a newly-appointed City officer, for a period of 12 months from the date the officer starts employment with the City, from participating in or making any decision with respect to any City project with which he or she was directly involved while working for a private entity for the 12-month period preceding the officer\u2019s City employment.)
AYES: Councilmembers Apo, Cachola, Dela Cruz, Djou, Garcia, Kobayashi, Marshall, Okino,
Tam 9.
* * * * * *
Copies of the foregoing bills and resolution are available for use and examination by the public during regular business hours at the City Clerks office, Room 203, Honolulu Hale. Bills are also available on-line at Should you have any questions, please call 768-3822.
(SB03513991 1/30/08)