Department of Human Services
State of Hawaii
Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist I
(State Plan Counselor), DHS 08-01
$2,887 (SR-16) per month
Oahu Employment Only
LAST DAY TO APPLY: F e b r u a r y 1 1 , 2008
The VRS I is a trainee level. Work is designed to train incumbents for the VRS II (advanced trainee) and VRS III (journey) levels. Incumbents are expected to progress to the VRS III journey-level which will require obtaining a Masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. Minimum Qualifications are: A Bachelors degree from an accredited college or university. To be given credit for education, transcripts must be submitted at time of application (a photocopy will be accepted). The incumbent is expected to meet all the admission criteria for enrollment and acceptance into the Graduate Division for a CORE accredited graduate program in rehabilitation counseling upon completion of their initial probationary period.
For complete requirements, please refer to the job announcement. For more information or to request an application packet, send a self-addressed, stamped ($.80) size 10 envelope to
DHS/Personnel Office/RES, 1390 Miller Street, #202, Honolulu, HI 96813
If you require accommodations under the ADA, call 586-4959 (voice/TDD)
An Equal Opportunity Employer