State of Hawaii
Department of Health
Office of Planning, Policy & Program
Honokaa, Hawaii
Full-time, exempt from the civil service. Responsible for leading & implementing the states rural health plan. Coordinates & develops innovative rural health programs/projects, incl. research/analysis of healthcare quality & access, writing grant proposals, monitoring grants, & collaborating w/ other state agencies, community stakeholders, health care providers & NGOs to implement programs. Participates in national collaboratives on rural health & in the state legislative process.
Req. bachelors deg.; 3 yrs. admin., professional, technical or analytical exp. incl. the ability to plan & coordinate activities, projects or programs; and 3-1/2 yrs. professional or technical liaison exp. incl. planning, organizing, promoting & coordinating program activities of health service-oriented agencies &/or inter-disciplinary groups providing health or related services in the community. Appropriate substitutions allowed. Salary commensurate w/exp., $65K+/yr.
Submit resume to Dept. of Health. Human Resources Office, P.O. Box 3378, Honolulu, HI 96801.Continuous recruitment until needs are met.
An Equal Opportunity Employer