Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Public Hearing
Pursuant to Section 91-3 of the Hawaii Revised Statues (HRS), notice is hereby given that the Department of Facility Maintenance of the City and County of Honolulu, will hold a public hearing to consider, Title 14, Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), relating to the Rules of the Department of Facility Maintenance, City and County of Honolulu, State of Hawaii, and the Hawaii Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 91, Hawaii Revised Statues.
The public hearing will be held on October 26, 2007, 2:00 pm,, at the City Hall Committee Room, Room 205, located at Honolulu Hale, 530 South King Street. The proposal is to amend and update the Rules to conform with HRS and administrative rule requirements. The proposed changes to Tile 14 is in response to a request to create rules under the Department of Facility Maintenance. Prior to the Citys reorganization in 1998, the rules were promulgated under the existing Building Department. The Rules of the Building Department Governing the Operation and Use of the Facilities of the City and County of Honolulu and Ground Adjacent Thereto, Building Department of the City and County of Honolulu, were the rules governing city facilities and grounds. Since 1998, the City has been reorganized and the newly created Department of Facility Maintenance has been governing the city facilities and grounds. Therefore, the proposed rules are redrafted and re-titled under the Department of Facility Maintenance.
The proposed changes to Title 14 include the following: General Provisions, Public Information, Petition for Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Rules, and Declatory Ruling by Department.
A copy of the proposed rules changes will be made available for public viewing from the first working day that the legal notice appears in the Honolulu Star Bulletin and MidWeek, through the day the public hearing is held, from Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A copy of the proposed rules may be viewed at our website at Copies can also be mailed at no cost, upon written request, to the Department of Facility Maintenance, 1000 Uluohia Street, Suite 215, Kapolei, Hawaii 96797.
All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and will be afforded an opportunity to be heard and to submit information, data, views, or arguments on the amending or updating of the rules, either orally or in writing. Any interested person desiring to be heard or to submit information, data, views, or arguments are requested to register at the public hearing site (30) minutes prior to the starting time of the public hearing as specified above. If written testimony is to be presented, five copies should be made available to the presiding officer at the public hearing or by mailing or delivering the copies within seven days before the hearing to the Department of Facility Maintenance, 1000 Uluohia Street, Suite 215, Kapolei, Hawaii 968797.
Attendance at the public hearing is not a prerequisite for submission of written testimony. Written testimony that is received by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, October 22, 2007 at the Department of Facility Maintenance above specified address will be included in the record of the hearing.
A copy of the rules will be mailed out at no cost to any interested person requesting a copy. Interested persons may request a copy by telephoning the Department of Facility Maintenance at 768-3343 between 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during regular business days, or by writing to the Department of Facility Maintenance at the above specified address. you may also pick up a copy of the rules at no extra cost at the Department of Facility Maintenance at the address states above between 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during regular business days.
Special accommodations, e.g. sign language interpreter, large print, taped materials or accessible parking can be made available, if requested at least five (5) working days before the scheduled public hearing.
Dated: 9/18/07
Department of Facility Maintenance (SB03512354 9/22/07)