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Notice #: 03511873
State/City & County Jobs

State of Hawaii
Department of Health

Halawa-Kalihi, Oahu $6,440/mo.

Located at the Lanakila Health Center, this Nurse Consultant will assume a lead role in working w/the medical community to ensure quality services in case management & reporting and screening procedures for tuberculosis control in the State of Hawaii,

Req. graduation from accredited school of nursing, 2-1/2 yrs. of professional public health nursing exp. include. 1 yr. comparable to the IV level in State service, & Hawaii registered nurse license. Appropriate substitutions allowed.

Apply via the Dept. of Human Resources
Development online application system at
Recruitment #s 206255, continuous until needs are met. For program information, call (808) 832-5737.

An Equal Opportunity Employer