Office of Planning
Recruitment Marine and Coastal Zone Advocacy Council
The Office of Planning is soliciting applications for appointment to the Marine and Coastal Zone Advocacy Council (MACZAC) to fill existing and forthcoming vacancies.
MACZAC was established by the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) law, Chapter 205A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to support the Office of Planning, the lead agency for the Hawaii CZM Program, by providing advice about marine and CZM planning, coordination, and facilitation of CZM functions. Section 205A-3.5(g) also directs MACZAC to:
Evaluate the CZM Program, including activities of the networked agencies, and make recommendations for improvement;
Advocate the Program to the public and the Executive and Legislative branches of government;
Advocate, provide for, and act upon citizen input;
Facilitate the implementation of the Ocean Resources Management Plan; and
Forecast and address critical emerging issues and potential problems in coastal and marine resources management.
MACZAC is composed of twelve non-government members who meet the following statutory qualifications:
Statewide geographic distribution, and
Balanced representation of interests including:
Practitioners of native Hawaiian culture
Terrestrial and marine commerce
Members are appointed by the Director of the Office of Planning and serve three-year terms without pay. However, members are provided travel and related costs for participation in meetings. MACZAC meetings are scheduled about four (4) times a year. In addition, members may serve on working groups and committees that may meet more frequently and be held on different islands or by video conferencing.
We are seeking members based on geographic representation: one for Molokai, one for Maui, two for Kauai, one for Hawaii, and one for Oahu. Although all interests specified in the statute are already represented, additional representation of environmental, Hawaiian cultural, marine commerce, and tourism interests will be given priority consideration to maintain balance of interests on the Council.
Any person who wants to be considered for appointment to MACZAC must submit the following information to the Office of Planning in order to be eligible for consideration: (1) a letter describing the interest(s) he or she would like to represent and how he or she can contribute to the purposes and work of MACZAC; (2) a resume; and (3) a completed application. Application forms are available on the web at The materials should be addressed and mailed to:
Douglas Tom, Manager
Coastal Zone Management Branch
Office of Planning
P.O. Box 2359
Honolulu, Hawaii 96804
The submittal must be received no later than the close of business on March 31, 2007. Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.
If you have any questions about this recruitment, please contact Douglas Tom by telephone (808) 587-2875, fax (808) 587-2899, or e-mail: Those telephoning from areas outside Oahu can call without charge the following numbers and ask for 587-2875:
Hawaii 974-4000
Kauai 274-3141
Maui 984-2400
Molokai and Lanai 1-800-469-4644