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Notice #: 03510821


The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation Harbors Division will be holding its rescheduled informational briefing regarding the project, Barges and Vehicle Ramp Systems for Inter-Island Ferry System – Job H.C. 90018. The briefing, originally scheduled for January 16, 2007, will include informational display boards, acceptance of prepared written statements, a briefing on the subject, a presentation by Hawaii Superferry on the status of its commencement of service in July 2007, followed by a question-and-answer session. The rescheduled meeting will be held at the following time and location:

€ Wednesday, February 21, 2007, – 6 p.m. at the Henry Perrine Baldwin High School

The purpose of the public informational briefing is to disseminate information on the Barges and Vehicle Ramp Systems for Inter-Island Ferry System project and to provide updated information on the arrangements planned by Hawaii Superferry for their operations.

Should special accommodations be needed to attend, please call Marshall Ando, Harbors Design Engineer at (808) 587-1961.

Barry Fukunaga
Interim Director
(SB03510821 2/11, 2/14/07) Department of Transportation