SEALED TENDERS will be receive up to and publically opened at 2:00 p.m. on NOVEMBER 1, 2006, in the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Department of Finance and Administration, Oahu Transit Services, Inc., 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 for the furnishing of TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE SERVICES for a thirty-six (36) month period, beginning November 24, 2006 for Oahu Transit Services, Inc., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Before any prospective bidder shall be entitled to submit a bid, the bidder must comply with the provisions of Section 103-55, H.R.S., regulating wages, hours and working conditions of employees of Contractor supplying services to governmental agencies. Accordingly, a prospective bidder shall complete and submit a certification as required by the said Act.
Questions relating to this bid solicitation may be directed to Gary Nishioka at telephone number (808) 852-6017.
Forms of certification, proposal and specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Division of Purchasing, Building C, Mezzanine level, 811 Middle Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, upon application for Proposal Document No. 2007-10.
(SB03510265 10/18/06)