For full description and other employment
listings, visit website above. Appointments are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position clearance.
UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor (I3/I4, M3/M4), UHM School of
Medicine-Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Kakaako;
#88956T; temporary; closes 07/17/06; 808-692-0909
Assistant Professors (2), M3M11, UHM School of Medicine-Department of Medicine, Kuakini Medical Center; #88878T & 88455T; temporary; 808-586-2910
Assistant Specialist, Master of Education in Teaching, (2 positions), UHM
College of Education, Manoa; #83389T, 83450T; temporary; closes 07/24/06;
GEAR UP Hawaii Statewide Project Director, UHM College of Business
Administration, Manoa; #0085169T; temporary; closes 07/21/06; 808-956-3249
Junior Researcher, UHM C of Trop Agr & Human Res, Molecular Biosciences and
Bioengineering, Manoa; #85525T; temporary; closes 08/04/06; 808-956-6069
Professor, M5, UHM School of Medicine-Surgery, Kapi\u2019olani Medical Center;
#83520T; temporary; continuous recruitment; 808-586-2920
Information Technology Specialist PBA, IT Specialist, UH-West Oahu, Academic
Support; #78150T; temporary; closes 07/20/06; 808-455-0497
Institutional Support PBA (Personnel Officer), Readvertisement, Kapiolani
Community College; #78066T; temporary closes 07/26/06; 808-734-9575
Institutional Support PBB, (Administrative Officer), UHM, Institute for
Astronomy, Manoa; #77170T; temporary; closes 07/19/06; 808-956-7593
Institutional Support PBB, Fiscal Officer Windward Community College; #80177; closes
07/31/06; 808-235-7404
Instructional Student Support, PBB (Student Services Specialist); Hawaii
Community College, UH Center at West Hawaii; #80371; located in Kealakekua;
closes 07/31/2006; (808)322-4854
Instructional and Student Support PBA, Educational and Academic Supp Spec,
Leeward Community College; #78120T; temporary; closes 07/24/06; 808-455-0326
Media Design and Production PBA, Media Specialist, UHM College of Education,
Manoa; #78121T, Curriculum Research & Development Group; temporary; closes
07/19/06; 808-956-7740
Public Information, Public Events Planning and Publications PBB, (Marketing
and Special Programs Manager), Office of the Chancellor, UHM, Manoa; #78138;
closes 07/14/06; 808-956-6099
Readvertisement/Extension of Closing Date. Physical Plant Management PBA,
Residential Life Coordinator I (RLCI), Student Housing Services, Manoa;
#80629 and 96507F (2 positions); closes 07/17/06; 808-956-4016
Lecturers in Hawaiian Studies; UHM SHAPS, Center for Hawaiian Studies, continuous recruitment; 808-973-0971
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical,
security, maintenance, lab aids, etc.), please view: