(Chapter 103D, HRS)
Pursuant to chapter §103D, the Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA) is requesting competitive sealed proposals for real estate consulting services to assist the HPHA in the sale of the Wilikina Apartments. Sealed proposals will be received at the HPHAs offices at 1002 North School Street, Building D, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96817, up to 2:00 p.m. H.S.T. on April 30, 2007. The Request for Proposals (RFP-PMC-2007-20) may be examined and obtained at HPHA at the above address beginning on Friday, March 23, 2007.
The scope of work consists of real estate consulting services required to assist HPHA in transferring the ownership of Wilikina Apartments, a 118-unit affordable rental project to a private entity. The services will include providing appraisals of the Wilikina Apartments, development of a request for proposal (RFP), reviewing and evaluating the proposals received, including feasibility analysis and rating of the proposals.
All proposals shall include the State General Excise Tax. The HPHA may reject any and all proposals and may waive any proposal defects whenever HPHA deems such action is in the best interest of HPHA. The selection of the successful offeror will be made by HPHA.
Offerors must comply with all requirements of this request for proposal documents. Questions relating to this proposal solicitation or persons requiring special needs and or auxiliary aids for this Request For Proposals may contact Michael Hee at (808) 832-5970. Written questions may be submitted by facsimile to (808) 832-5979.
Patti Y. Miyamoto, Interim Executive Director
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
(SB01534918 3/23/07)