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Notice #: 0001006628-01

Bill No. 38

I hereby certify that the following Bill passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai’i County Council on June 23, 2017, by vote as listed below:

Bill 38: Amends Section 25-8-11 (Lalamilo-Pu’ukapu Zone Map), Article 8, Chapter 25 (Zoning Code) of the Hawai’i County Code 1983 (2016 Edition, as Amended), by Changing the District Classification from Agricultural – Five Acres (A-5a) to Family Agricultural – Two Acres (FA-2a) at Pu’ukapu, Waimea, South Kohala, Hawai’i, Covered by TMK: 6-4-001:152. (Applicant: Peter A. In, M.D. (Area: approx. 5.001 acres). The Leeward Planning Commission forwards its favorable recommendation for this change of zone, which would allow the applicant to subdivide the property into two parcels to allow each unit owner to have a separate title and tax map key. AYES: Council Members Chung, David, Kanuha, Lee Loy, O’Hara, Richards, Ruggles, and Acting Chair Eoff – 8; NOES: None; ABSENT: Council Member Poindexter – 1; EXCUSED: None.

Stewart Maeda

Hawai’i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

(WHT1006628 7/1/17)~