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Notice #: 0000991900-02

For full description and other employment listings, visit website above. Appointments
are full time unless otherwise specified and subject to funding and/or position
clearance. UH is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.
Instructor, Assistant or Associate
Professor, CC (Institute Research
and Analysis), Kaua’i Community
College, #82968, temp, closes
05/31/17, 808-245-8372
Instructor, CC (Counselor, Native
Hawaiian Success), Student Services,
Leeward Community College,
#86643T, temp, closes 05/30/17,
Instructor, CC (Construction
Academy), TECH I, Honolulu
Community College, #74794, #74759,
#74758 (3 positions) temp, closes
05/30/17, 808-845-9183
Instructor, CC (Automotive
Technology, ASSET Program),
Professional Arts & Technology,
Leeward Community College, #84555,
closes 05/30/17, 808-455-0326
Junior or Assistant Specialist
(Program Specialist of Pueo Education
Pipeline Pathway Project), University
of Hawaii – West Oahu, Kapolei,
#76374T, temp, closes 05/19/17,
Assistant Professor (Surgery), School
of Medicine, Queen’s University
Tower, #82295T, temp, closes
05/23/17, 808-586-2925
Instructor, CC (Counselor), Student
Services, Honolulu Community
College, #86714, closes 06/06/17,
Administrative, Professional,
& Technical
Institutional Support PBB
(Human Resources Sp, Senior)
– Readvertisement, Honolulu
Community College, #78911, closes
05/30/17, 808-844-2398
Institutional Support PBB (Contract
and Grants Sp), University of Hawaii
Cancer Center, Honolulu, #80342T,
temp, closes 05/17/17
Institutional Support PBB (Contract
and Grants Sp), University of Hawaii
Cancer Center, Honolulu, #80372T,
temp, closes 05/17/17
Institutional Support PBB
(Administrative Officer), College of
Social Sciences, SSRI (Social Science
Research Institute), Manoa, #81943,
closes 05/30/17, 808-956-4584
Academic Support PBA (Program
Specialist), OVPRI/STEM Pre-
Academy, Manoa Innovation Center,
#77862, closes 05/22/17
Institutional Support PBA (Fiscal
Specialist) – Readvertisement, SOEST,
Manoa Campus, #81340T, temp,
closes 05/25/17, 808-956-3181
Academic Support PBB (Educational
Sp) – Readvertisement, OSA/SEED/
KOKUA, UHM, #81566, closes
05/23/17, 808-956-7511
Institutional Support PBA (Admin
& Fiscal Support Sp), College of
Arts and Humanities, Department of
Art and Art History, Manoa, #77525,
closes 05/23/17, 808-956-8251
Institutional Support PBA (Admin
& Fiscal Support Sp), College of
Arts and Humanities, Department of
Philosophy, Manoa, #77431, closes
05/23/17, 808-956-7803
Physical Plant Management PBB
(Auxil & Fac Svcs Mgr), Hawai`i
Community College, Hilo, #78107,
temp, closes 06/06/17, 808-934-2507
Instructional and Student
Support PBA (Assignments Spc) –
Readvertisement, UH Manoa/Student
Housing Services, #78732, closes
05/24/17, 808-956-4008
Institutional Support PBA or
PBB (Student-Athlete Insurance
Coordinator), UHM Athletics
Department, Business Office, #80450,
closes 05/24/17, 808-956-6504
Lecturers (Microbiology) –
Readvertisement, College of Natural
Sciences / Microbiology, UH at
Manoa, temp, closes 05/31/17,
Lecturers – Readvertisement, UHM
Coll of Nat Sci – Microbiology, Manoa
Campus, temp, closes 05/31/17,
Lecturers (UHM, Microbiology) –
Readvertisement, UHM College of
Natural Sciences (Department of
Microbiology), Manoa Campus, temp,
closes 05/31/17, 808-956-8603
Lecturers, College of Tropical
Agriculture & Human Resources,
Manoa, temp, continuous recruitment,
For civil service positions (e.g., clerical, security, maintenance,
lab aids, etc.), please view: