Office of Housing and Community Development
Project Based Voucher Program – Hale Makana `O Kupuna
Waiting List to Open on Wednesday, April 5, 2017
On April 5, 2017, the County of Hawaii, Office of Housing and Community Development will begin accepting on-line applications for the Project Based Voucher Program – Hale Makana `O Kupuna. The rental housing project is located in Kailua-Kona. The County is scheduled to provide Project Based Voucher assistance to fifteen (15) eligible applicants.
To be eligible for assistance, applicants must be 62 years of age or older and total household income must not exceed 30% of the published average median income:
1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons
$ 14,650 $ 18,430 $ 23,190 $ 27,980 $ 32,710 $ 37,470
Published by: US Department of Housing & Urban Development, April 1, 2016
The pre-application must be submitted on-line at beginning at 8:00 AM on April 5, 2017 and will close at 4:30 PM on Friday, April 21, 2017. Only one application will be accepted.
All applications received by the OHCD will be assigned an application number. If the OHCD has received more applications than units available through the PBV Program, the OHCD will use a computerized lottery system to select the initial applications that will be processed for this project. The OHCD will inform you of your application and position number after the lottery is completed. Final tenant selection will be completed by property management.
If you or anyone in your household is a person with disabilities, and require a specific accommodation in order to fully utilize our programs and services, please contact the OHCD at 959-4642 to request a reasonable accommodation.
For information about the project, visit
Duly Submitted by Neil S.Gyotoku
Housing Administrator
April 2, 2017
(WHT979728 4/2/17)~