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Notice #: 0000976333-01



KCHA hereby publicly discloses that on February 8, 2017, Kanani Fu, Housing Director, was made aware that ’Ae Kamali’i Preschool applied for and was recommended to receive funding through Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to rehabilitate the electrical and plumbing systems in order to extend the life of the preschool for predominantly low- to moderate-income families.

It has been disclosed that Kanani Fu has two children that attend the preschool. It has been determined that her children are part of a class of forty students intended to be beneficiaries of the assisted activity and will receive the same benefits being made to the class or group. Review, selection and recommendation of CDBG projects and award are made through a selection committee through a competitive, scoring and ranking process. Recommendations to the Mayor for approval of projects are transmitted via the Housing Director. Kanani Fu was not involved in the review, scoring, selection or recommendation process and was not part of the decision-making process. Final decision for award will be made by the County Council through a Resolution to appropriate funds and by the grantor, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

KCHA discloses this possible conflict pursuant to 24 CFR 92.356 in order to allow any interested persons to comment before the recommendation is considered for an exception under the applicable CDBG Program conflict regulations. Written comments should be submitted to Kauai County Housing Agency, 4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, HI 96766, Attn: Kerri Barros, CDBG Coordinator, on or before April 11, 2017.

Dated this 20th day of March, 2017.

Bernard P. Carvalho, Jr.
(TGI976333 3/23/17
