Public Notice
Pursuant to §91-3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, the State of Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) will hold a public hearing for the proposed repeal of Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR) Title 11 chapters 260 to 280 and adoption of chapters 260.1 to 279.1. The proposed repeals and adoptions will update rules regulating businesses that generate or handle hazardous wastes and used oil in Hawaii, primarily to align the state regulations with updates to the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s federal hazardous waste management program. The proposed new chapters incorporate federal regulations by reference, with some modifications.
The proposed new chapters of HAR Title 11 are each entitled “Hazardous Waste Management” with subtitles as follows:
260.1 General Provisions
261.1 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste
262.1 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste
263.1 Standards Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous Waste
264.1 Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
265.1 Interim Status Standards for Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities
266.1 Standards for the Management of Specific Hazardous Wastes and Specific Types of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities
268.1 Land Disposal Restrictions
270.1 The Hazardous Waste Permit Program
271.1 Permit Procedures
273.1 Standards for Universal Waste Management
279.1 Standards for the Management of Used Oil
The rules proposed to be adopted and repealed can be reviewed in person at 919 Ala Moana Blvd #212 Honolulu, HI 96814, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm (except state holidays) and are posted at A detailed description of the proposed changes is available at Copies of the rules proposed to be repealed and adopted will be mailed upon request and payment of a copying fee (5¢/page) and postage. Call (808) 586-4226 to request copies.
The public hearing will be held in Honolulu on Tuesday, December 13 at 919 Ala Moana Blvd 5th floor from 9am to 11am.
All interested parties are urged to attend the public hearing to present relevant information and individual opinion for DOH to consider. Any person unable to attend or wishing to present additional comments may send written testimony to Attn: Hazardous Waste Rulemaking 919 Ala Moana Blvd #212 Honolulu, HI 96814, or Written testimony must be received by 12/20/2016 and will be accepted at the hearing.
In conjunction with the public hearing, DOH will also hold public informational meetings to present and discuss the proposed rules and answer related questions, as follows:
Honolulu: Wed, Nov 16, 1-3pm, AAFES Bldg, 919 Ala Moana Blvd 5th floor
Kapolei: Fri, Dec 2, 10am-12pm, State Office (Kakuhihewa) Bldg, 601 Kamokila Blvd Room 577A
Wailuku: Tue, Nov 22, 10am-12pm, State Office Bldg, 54 S High St 3rd floor Conf Room B
Hilo: Tue, Nov 29, 10am-12pm, Environmental Health Bldg, 1582 Kamehameha Ave
Kona: Tue, Nov 29, 5-7pm, West Hawaii Civic Center, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy Community Meeting Hale
Lihue: Mon, Dec 5, 10am-12pm, Lihue Health Center, 3040 Umi St
To request an auxiliary aid or service (e.g. ASL interpreter, large print) for attending the public hearing or meetings, call (808) 586-4226 (voice or TDD) or e-mail five business days prior to the hearing or meeting date.
(WHT930716 11/7/16)~