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Notice #: 0000927998-01



Pursuant to Sections 91-3 and 92-41, Hawaii Revised Statutes, notice is hereby given that the Department of Human Services will hold a public hearing to consider the new proposed rules of the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division for the purpose of administering the Supporting Employment Empowerment (SEE) Program, in accordance with federal regulations and state statutes. A brief description of the new proposed rules is provided below:

The Supporting Employment Empowerment (SEE) Program is a business-friendly program that transforms lives by helping Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance recipients break multi-generational cycles of poverty, find rewarding jobs in the private sector, and stay engaged in gainful employment. The SEE Program provides on-the-job training and employment opportunities with private sector employers for First-To-Work (FTW) Program participants who may have little or no work experience or basic work skills. The Department of Human Services (DHS) subsidizes a portion of the participant’s wages and direct/indirect costs that the employer may incur such as fringe benefits, training, transportation, etc. Participating employers set and pay SEE employees’ (FTW participants) wages and benefits.

The proposed rules outline the requirements for businesses to meet in order to become a participating employer of the SEE Program; the payment process for participating employers to claim reimbursements for wages paid to the participants; and the review process to resolve an employer’s payment dispute.

A public hearing will be held at the following date, time and place:

Wednesday, December 7, 2016, 9:30 a.m.
The Block – Mililani Building
820 Mililani Street, Conference Room 615
Honolulu, Hawaii.

All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing to state their views relative to the proposed rules either orally or in writing. Should written testimony be presented, five (5) copies shall be made available to the presiding officer at the public hearing or within seven (7) days before the hearing to:

Department of Human Services
Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division
Employment and Training Program Office
820 Mililani Street, Suite 606
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Residents of the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, and Molokai wishing to present oral testimonies may also contact the Section Administration Office, of the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, on the respective islands within seven (7) days before the Honolulu hearing date, to schedule to attend via video or tele-conference call-in:

East Hawaii Section Administrator
1990 Kinoole Street, Suite 111
Hilo, HI (808) 981-7288

West Hawaii Section Administrator
75-5722 Hanama Place Rm 1105
Kailua-Kona, HI (808) 327-4765

Kauai Section Administrator
Dynasty Court
4473 Pahee Street, Suite G
Lihue, HI (808) 241-3663

Maui Section Administrator
1955 Main Street, Suite 325
Wailuku, HI (808) 243-5877

Molokai Unit Supervisor
Molokai Civic Center
55 Makaena Place, Room 1
Kaunakakai, HI (808) 553-1715
[Tele-Conference Only].

A copy of the new proposed rules will be mailed at NO COST to any interested person requesting a copy by writing to:

Department of Human Services
Benefit, Employment & Support Services Division
Employment and Training Program Office
820 Mililani Street, Suite 606
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

or by calling (808) 586-0975. Neighbor island residents may request a copy of the proposed rules at NO COST by contacting the Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division office during regular business days and hours. Proposed rules are available on the internet at:

Special accommodations (i.e., Sign Language Interpreter, large print, taped materials, or accessible parking) can be made, if requested at least five (5) working days before the scheduled public hearing on Oahu by calling (808) 586-0975. Neighbor island residents needing special accommodations should contact the Benefit, Employment and Support Services, Section Administration Office on the respective islands with their requests.

(TGI927998 10/30/16)~