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Notice #: 0000891652-01


Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”) section 466K-3 and chapter 91, notice is hereby given that the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (HST), in the PVL Examination Room, Third Floor, King Kalakaua Building, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, 335 Merchant Street, Room 330, Honolulu, Hawaii, to hear all persons interested in the proposed amendments to Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”) chapter 16-114 pertaining to real estate appraisers.
The purposes of the proposed amendments are to incorporate appraiser trainee regulations to comply with federal requirements. As a result we have amended the following sections:
Section 16-114-2 Definitions. This amendment proposes to change the term appraiser “assistant” to “trainee” which would be consistent with the federal government’s terminology.
Section 16-114-69 Supervision of assistants. This amendment proposes to change the term appraiser “assistant” to “trainee” which would be consistent with the federal government’s terminology. It will also change the length of years from two to three a supervising appraiser must have to be in good standing before they are allowed to supervise a trainee.
Section 16-114-75 License required. This amendment proposes to add new language which requires a trainee to be licensed and the minimum requirements needed to be a licensed trainee. Previously there was no licensure requirement.
Section 16-114-76 Supervising appraiser. This amendment proposes to add new language delineating the responsibilities and duties of a supervising appraiser.
Section 16-114-77 Trainee course. This amendment proposes to add new language which requires a trainee to take a trainee/supervisor course as required by federal regulations.
Section 16-114-78 Continuing education. This amendment proposes to add new language which requires a trainee to obtain continuing education every two years in order to renew their trainee license as required by federal regulations.
All interested persons shall be afforded the opportunity to submit data, views, or arguments, orally or in writing, at the time of hearing. All persons wishing to submit written testimony are requested to submit 10 copies of their written testimony by Monday, August 1, 2016, to the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division at the address printed below.
A copy of the proposed rules will be mailed to any person who requests a copy upon receipt of $7.28 for the copy and postage. Please submit your request to the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division at the address noted below or contact the Program’s office at (808) 586-2701.
Copies may be picked up at the following address between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays: Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Professional and Vocational Licensing Division, 335 Merchant Street, Room 329, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. The cost of a copy, $5.50, is due and payable at the time of pick up.
Further, the proposed rules may be reviewed in person free of charge at the Professional and Vocational Licensing Division at the address and hours of operation printed above. In addition, the full text of the proposed rules is available and can be downloaded free of charge from the web site of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs:
Individuals who require special needs accommodations are invited to call Alan Taniguchi at (808) 586-2701 at least four (4) working days prior to the hearing.

Catherine P. Awakuni Colón, Director
Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs
State of Hawaii
(TG I891652 7/9/16)~