Pursuant to Section 42F-107, HRS, notification is being made that the following grants have not been released by the Governor as of March 31, 2016:
Act 119/15, OPERATING:
Big Island Substance Abuse Council ($177,693 of $187,045 grant was released) 9,352
Bishop Museum 150,000
Catholic Charities Hawaii ($95,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 5,000
Center for Tomorrow’s Leaders (CTL) ($90,250 of $95,000 grant was released) 4,750
Easter Seals Hawaii ($376,528 of $418,364 grant was released) 41,836
Ethnic Education Foundation of Hawaii ($90,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 10,000
Family Programs Hawaii ($95,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 5,000
Family Promise of Hawaii ($52,328 of $55,082 grant was released) 2,754
Friends of the Future 150,000
Hale Mahaolu ($190,000 of $200,000 grant was released) 10,000
Hawaii Agricultural Foundation ($308,750 of $325,000 grant was released) 16,250
Hawaii Alliance for Community-Based Economic Development (HACBED)
($85,500 of $95,000 grant was released) 9,500
Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council #1 ($132,962 of $147,735 grant was released) 14,773
Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation ($332,500 of $350,000 grant was released) 17,500
Hawaii Homeownership Center 175,000
Hawaii Korean Chamber of Commerce ($45,000 of $50,000 grant was released) 5,000
Hawaii Nature Center, Inc. 31,400
Hawaii Performing Arts Company 50,000
Hawaii Public Charter Schools Network 68,000
Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence ($24,700 of $26,000 grant was released) 1,300
Hawaii Youth Symphony Association 75,000
Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawaii 35,000
Honolulu Community Action Program, Inc. #3 ($200,676 of $222,974 grant was released) 22,298
Ho’okupa’a ($285,000 of $300,000 grant was released) 15,000
Hospice of Hilo ($90,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 10,000
Hugs for Hawaii’s Seriously Ill Children & Their Families ($67,500 of $75,000 grant was released) 7,500
Hui Malama Learning Center 150,000
Kamalapua O Koolau 200,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity, Incorporated #1 ($148,927 of $156,765 grant was released) 7,838
Kauai Food Bank Inc. ($108,380 of $120,422 grant was released) 12,042
Kauai Planning & Action Alliance, Inc. ($110,882 of $123,203 grant was released) 12,321
Ko’olauloa Community Health and Wellness Center, Inc.
($162,000 of $180,000 grant was released) 18,000
Leilehua Alumni and Community Association ($237,500 of $250,000 grant was released) 12,500
Life Foundation ($95,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 5,000
Malama Maunalua 100,000
Mental Health Association of Hawaii 66,735
Moanalua Gardens Foundation, Inc. 125,000
Moiliili Community Center 50,000
Nisei Veterans Legacy Center ($90,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 10,000
North Kohala Community Resource Center ($67,500 of $75,000 grant was released) 7,500
Oahu Resource Conservation and Development Council
($58,320 of $64,800 grant was released) 6,480
Oahu Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Oahu SPCA)
($166,500 of $185,000 grant was released) 18,500
Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor ($180,000 of $200,000 grant was released) 20,000
Pacific Tsunami Museum, Inc. ($52,250 of $55,000 grant was released) 2,750
Partners in Development Foundation 80,000
Polynesian Voyaging Society 500,000
Project Vision Hawaii ($147,982 of $155,770 grant was released) 7,788
Read to Me International Foundation ($190,000 of $200,000 grant was released) 10,000
The Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii ($225,000 of $250,000 grant was released) 25,000
The Children’s Alliance of Hawai’I ($142,500 of $150,000 grant was released) 7,500
The Estria Foundation 226,500
Touch a Heart ($90,000 of $100,000 grant was released) 10,000
Waikiki Community Center ($52,250 of $55,000 grant was released) 2,750
Waimanalo Market Co-Op 102,500
Winners At Work, Inc. 43,352
Worknet, Inc. ($135,000 of $150,000 grant was released) 15,000
Act 119/15, CIP:
Bikeshare Hawaii, Oahu 100,000
Diamond Head Theatre, Oahu 450,000
Friends of the Volcano School of Arts & Sciences, Hawaii 285,000
Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc., Oahu 1,000,000
Hana Health, Hawaii 500,000
Hawaii United Okinawa Association, Oahu 140,000
Hawaii Wildlife Center, Hawaii 100,000
Honolulu Academy of Arts, Oahu 1,500,000
Hoomana, Kauai 88,000
Kailapa Community Association, Hawaii 315,000
Kalamaula Homesteaders Association, Molokai 500,000
Kapolei Community Development Corporation, Oahu 500,000
Kauai Economic Development Board, Kauai 500,000
Kauai Economic Opportunity, Incorporated, Kauai 514,000
Kualoa-Heeia Ecumenical Youth Project, Oahu 186,000
Lanakila Pacific, Oahu 200,000
Maui Youth and Family Services, Inc., Maui 525,000
National Kidney Foundation of Hawaii, Oahu 2,000,000
Ola Ka Ilima Arts Center LLC, Oahu 1,500,000
Pacific American Foundation Hawaii, Inc., Oahu 1,500,000
Panaewa Community Alliance, Hawaii 150,000
Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific, Oahu 438,000
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation of Hawaii, Oahu 500,000
Supporting the Language of Kauai, Inc., Kauai 50,000
The Filipino Community Center, Inc., Oahu 50,000
The Friends of Iolani Palace, Oahu 1,500,000
Waimanalo Health Center, Oahu 500,000
Act 122/14, CIP:
Aha Hui E Kala, Kauai 300,000
Hale Mahaolu Ewalu, Inc., Maui 4,000,000
Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, Oahu 600,000
La’i’opua 2020, Hawaii 950,000
Molokai Homestead Farmers Alliance, Molokai 1,750,000
Pacific American Foundation, Oahu 500,000
Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor, Oahu ($492,000 of $550,000 grant was released) 58,000
Poi Dogs Popoki, Oahu 200,000
The Food Basket, Inc., Hawaii 250,000
Veterans of Foreign Wars- Hawaii, Oahu 500,000
West Hawaii Community Health Center, Hawaii 1,000,000
Act 134/13, CIP:
Brantley Center, Inc., Hawaii 30,000
Friends of Iolani Palace, Oahu 1,000,000
Hale Kipa, Inc., Oahu 1,000,000
Hawaii Public Television Foundation, Statewide 2,000,000
Hawaiian Island Land Trust, Kauai 270,000
Hui O’laka, Kauai 50,000
Mililani Presbyterian Church Preschool, Oahu 100,000
Pacific American Foundation, Oahu 1,000,000
Seagull Schools Childcare Center, Oahu 1,200,000
The Congregation of Christian Brothers Inc., Oahu 1,500,000
The Salvation Army Family Intervention Services, Hawaii 643,000
Director of Finance
(WHT873568 5/10/16)~