Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and
Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds
May 13, 2016
Department of Community Services, City and County of Honolulu
715 South King Street, Suite 311
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
These notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the City and County of Honolulu.
On or about June 02, 2016, the City and County of Honolulu (City) will submit a request to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, to undertake a project known as:
Project: Special Olympics Hawaii – Sports and Wellness Center
Location: East Kapolei on a site identified as Tax Map Key 9-1-017:110
Mauna Kapu Street
Project Description: The proposed project involves the development of a multi-functional sports and wellness facility along with appurtenant infrastructure construction on approximately 2.455 acres. These facilities will be designed to meet Special Olympics’ objective of creating a place of support for their athletes, families and volunteers and will include:
An exercise and wellness center
A sports education and family center
A sports leadership, training and recreation center
Outdoor multi-purpose courts and playing fields, and
Administration facilities
In order to meet these objectives, the proposed action at full build out may include up to approximately 15,600 square feet of indoor space as well as covered and uncovered outdoor areas. The indoor facilities will be located within buildings no more than two stories high. The indoor space is proposed to include:
1. An administration area comprised of six office rooms and and an open workstation area.
2. Support areas including lavatories, storage, library, kitchen, conference and reception areas.
3. Sports areas including three multi-functional rooms and a fitness area.
4. A warehouse for storage.
The proposed outdoor area will include:
1. Off-street parking for approximately 37 vehicles.
2. Approximately 20, 300 square feet of outdoor recreational space. It is anticipated to include a courtyard and a playfield. The playfield will not have outdoor lighting, but is anticipated to be large enough to accommodate a five on five soccer field and two bocce courts. 3. Approximately 10, 500 square feet outdoor covered hard court.
Total Estimated Cost: $10,000,000 (CDBG amount is $1,000,000).
Mitigation Measures: Mitigation measures will include:
Vegetation and wildlife:
Although no A. menziesii were identified on the Sports and Wellness Center site, if individuals are found prior to or during construction, the provisions of the Habitat Conservation Plan approved by the State of Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources will be implemented. If individuals require removal, a certificate of inclusion to DOT’s incidental take license, and an incidental take license will be requested by the City and County of Honolulu’s Department of Community Services.
To provide protection to seabirds that may traverse in the vicinity of the Sports and Wellness Center site (during breeding season March through December), lights will be positioned low to the ground and sufficiently large and completely opaque, light shielding will be incorporated into the architectural design. In addition, outdoor night work during construction will be avoided.
The City has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required.
Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the City, Department of Community Services, 715 South King Street, Suite 311, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, which may be examined or copied weekdays 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.
Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to Gary K. Nakata, Director, Department of Community Services. All comments received by
May 31, 2016, will be considered by the City prior to authorizing submission of a request for release of funds. Comments should specify which Notice they are addressing.
The City certifies to HUD that Nelson H. Koyanagi, Jr., in his capacity as Director of the Department of Budget and Fiscal Services, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows the City to use Program funds.
HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the City’s certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the City; (b) the City has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient, or other participants in the development process, have committed funds, incurred costs, or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed to the Office of Community Planning and Development, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1132 Bishop Street, Suite 1400, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.
Nelson H. Koyanagi, Jr., Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
By order of:
Kirk Caldwell, Mayor
City and County of Honolulu
(SA873294 5/13/16)~