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Notice #: 0000866330-01

Planning Dept. Application Accepted March 2016

In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1,
Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted.


1. *Kona Veterinary Service (SPP 780) Amend size increase of clinic & increase number of employees on 1.64acs at 73-4730 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-008:001.
2. *Bolton Inc (SPP 16-188) Allow a baseyard/staging yard for equipment, storage of materials, stockpiling & crushing natural materials for commercial use & security dwelling on 9.2acs at 75-476 Hualalai Rd, N. Kona, TMK: 7-5-017:044.
3. *Mile Marker 12 LLC (SPP 16-189) Allow operation of a center for well-being including a certified kitchen on 11.33acs at 13-3194 Pahoa Kalapana Rd, Pahoa, Puna,TMK: 1-3-009:018.
4. *Kings Chapel Honokaa (USE 16-062) Allow conversion of existing sgl/fam dwelling to a chapel & related activities on 4acs at 45-3380 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, Papaanui, Hamakua, TMK: 4-5-010:080.


1. *Mae Y. Nakayama Tst/Darsen F. Aoki (DMN-16-00-00-92) Structure position discrepancy for single family dwelling on 11,600sf. at 393 Kalili St, S. Hilo, TMK: 2-4-024:126.


1. *Big Island Dairy LLC/ SOH Dept. of Ag (PLA-16-001273) Milk Process Plant/Factory on 602.2ac, at Ookala, N. Hilo, TMK: 3-9-002:008.
2. *HI Island Community Dev Corp (PLA-16-001277)
30-Unit Senior Housing, on 9.572ac, at 587 Kupuna Place, S. Hilo, TMK: 2-4-001:184.
3. *Engineering Partners/SOH (PLA-16-001278) Honokaa Elem Sch Safe Drop-Off on 15.19ac, at
45-534 Pakalana St, Hamakua, TMK: 4-5-005:001,
002 & TMK: 4-5-010:076.
4. *Kathleen E. Nikolas (PLA-16-001286) Construct
2nd dwelling on 39,320sf, at 262 Wainaku St, S. Hilo, TMK: 2-6-005:019.
5. *Angela Y.O. Reed Tst & Shawn M. Reed Tst
(PLA-16-001287) 2single fam dwelling, on 22,320sf,
at 36-2270 HI Belt Rd, S. Kohala, TMK: 3-6-010:007.
6. *SOH-DLNR-DOBOR (PLA-16-001276) Paving existing gravel parking, boat wash area & vessel sewage pump-out, on 117.987ac, at 74-429
Kealakehe Parkway, N. Kona, TMK: 7-4-008:003.
7. *Imata & Associates, Inc/Oceanic Time Warner,
Solar carports, on 2.139 ac, at 73-4876 Kanalani St,
N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-051:018.
8. *Alexander Kalawe/ SOH-Natural Energy Lab, Hydrogen production/fueling facility, on 156.011ac, at 73-970 Makako Bay Dr, N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-043:042.
9. *Yen Wen Fang/Puna Plantation Hawaii LTD,
Employee Prkng, on 3.10ac, at 65-1178 Mamalahoa Hwy, S. Kohala, TMK: 6-5-005:003,004,007 & 015.
10. *Clayton Honma/COH P&R (PLA-16-001284)
Kailua Prk Canoe Hale #2 at existing Canoe Hale Facility, on 102.90ac, at 75-5560 Kuakini Hwy, N.
Kona, TMK: 7-5-005:007.
11. *Joseph Scott Dale/Hale O Aloha LLC (PLA-16-001280) on 1.98ac, at 62-1023 Wai Ula Ula Pl, S. Kohala,TMK: 6-2-002:014.
12. *HHL/Engineering Partners Inc (PLA-16-001282), New heat exchanger support for millennium HI carbon manufacturing plant, on 12.961ac. at 61-3277 Maluokalani St, S. Kohala, TMK: 6-1-006:007.
13. *N.C.Foulk/Kaloko Inv, Commercial mixed office
& shops, on 1.205ac, at Kamanu St, N. Kona,
TMK: 7-3-051:114.
14. *Hokulia Com Srvs/1250 Oceanside Partners,
Golf Course Maint Facility, on 4.519ac, at 81-0392 Hawaii Loa Dr., S. Kona, TMK: 8-1-004:083.
15. *Waikoloa Colony Villas AOAO, Resident mgr’s
unit, on 22.034ac, at 69-555 Waikoloa Beach Dr,
S. Kohala, TMK: 6-9-007:035.
16. *Clayton Honma/COH P&R (PLA-16-001274)
improve Kailua Prk ballfield lighting on 102.90ac, at
75-5500 Kuakini Hwy, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-005:083.
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept.,101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(WHT866330 4/20/16)~