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Notice #: 0000821105-01

Planning Dept. Applications Accepted Oct. 2015

In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, notice is hereby given that the following
applications have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner


1. *CCTMO LLC (USE 15-057) Replace existing telecom facility on 2 acs. at 92-2318 Palm Parkway, Hawaiian Ocean View, Ka’u, TMK:9-2-062.54.
2. *Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless (USE 15-059) Construct 150-ft steel monopole telecom tower on 160 sf at 11-3019 Volcano Rd, Volcano, TMK:1-1-020: 085 & 086.
3. *GTP Acquisition Partners II (USE 15-058) Entitle-ment of existing telecom facility on 3,580 sf south of
Hwy 11 at Ka Lae, Pakini, Ka’u, TMK:9-3-001:006.
4. *Milo Street Ventures Inc (SLU 15-045/REZ 15-197) Ag to Urban, A-20a to ML-20, on 2.082 acs at 16-685 Milo St, Keaau, Puna, TMK:1-6-152:020.
5. *SBA Towers LLC (SPP 1225) Revoke special permit that allowed a 100 ft lattice telecom on 10,000 sf, Hawaiian Ocean View Est, Kau, TMK:9-2-062:054.
6. *Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless (USE 15-060) Allow to construct a 60-ft steel monopalm & related improvements on 750 sq ft, Hooper Rd, Holualoa, TMK:7-9-003:008.


1. *Richard Liebmann & Natalie Young Trst (FDA-15-000384.) on 10 acs, at 55-4488 Hoea Rd, N. Kohala, TMK:5-5-007:030:0004


1.*Thomas Joseph & Christine Mary Missick (DMN-15-000090) Structure position discrepancy for single/ family dwelling, carport & water tank on 12,000 sf. at
16-2061 Orchid Dr., Puna, TMK:1-6-065:022.


1. *Jody Leigh & Sherry Lynn Jordan, HSC Inc (PLA-15-001230) Telecom antenna on 11,771 sf. at 649 Laukapu St., S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-036:053.
2. *COH Mass Transit Agency/SOH (PLA-15-001233) Mass Transit Baseyard/Maintenance Facility on 5 acs. at 2299 Hoolaulima Rd, S. Hilo, TMK:2-1-013:148.
3.*MAC Leasing (PLA-15-0001234) Change Use from gas station to drive thru coffee shop, on 16,352 sq.ft., at 81-6368 HI Belt Rd., S. Kona, TMK:8-1-016:019.
4. *Anekona Ouli Kanehoa VFD Co/Hale Wailani Partners, LLC(PLA15-001235) Volunteer apparatus garage (use by local fire company), on 3.132 ac, on Wailuli Street, S. Kohala, TMK:6-2-015:043.
5. *Scott & Alice Suncloud (PLA-15-001238) Duplex on 7,500 sf, 901 Iolani St, S.Hilo, TMK:2-2-027:091.
6. *David Pick/Kaloko Commercial Ctr LLC, propose self-storage facility, on 3.81 ac, at 73-5637 Okowaula St., N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-051:099 & 100.
7. *West Hawaii Water Co./Waikoloa Village Assc, Propose new well facility, on 1742.99 ac, on Waikoloa Rd, S. Kohala, TMK:6-8-002:018.
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept., 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(WHT821105 11/27/15)~