Planning Dept. Applications Accepted Sept. 2015
In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, notice is hereby given that the following applications has been submitted. *Applicant/ Landowner
1.*WHC, Ltd. dba West Hawaii Concrete (SPP 833) Extend life of permit and allow asphalt/concrete recycling on 219.990 acs approx. 4 miles mauka of Queen K Hwy south of Waikoloa Rd, South Kohala TMK:6-8-001:066.
2.*Sidney T. Mizukami Rev Lvg Trst (SPP 09-000096) Allow 10-yr time extension on 28,704 sq.ft., at the southern end of Kaohu Lehua Pl, Wainaku, South Hilo TMK:2-6-032:015 (por).
1. *Hayward O. Coleman Tr & Star Townshend-Zellner-Lindstrom Tr (FDA-15-000382) on 7 acs at 13-677 Pohoiki Rd, Puna, TMK:1-3-008:045,
2. *Anita Randall Packer (FDA-15-000383) on 1.1 ac,
at 64-218 Wailani Pl., S. Kohala, TMK:6-4-012:076.
1. *County of HI, Dept of P&R/State of HI (PLA-15-001223) Rodeo arena, on 5.78 ac, 84-5134 Honaunau Rd, S. Kona, TMK:8-4-008:002.
2. *Engineering Partners/Concept Constr Inc (PLA-15-001224) Commercial Use on 26,212 sf. at 85 W. Lanikaula St, S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-025:024.
3. *Henry J. Correa/HJC Dev Corp (PLA-15-001226)
6-Unit Apartment Bldg on 8,979 sf. at 80 Puueo St.,
S. Hilo, TMK:2-6-002:021.
4. *Engineering Partners/SOH (PLA-15-001228) Park facility on 6900.604 ac. at 44-5400 Daniel K. Inouye Hwy, Hamakua, TMK:4-4-016:003.
5. * SOH EO/COH P&R (PLA-15-001229) County Park on 3.968 ac. at 48-5350 Kukuihaele Rd., Hamakua, TMK:4-8-006:010.
6. *Michael Derasin/Bennet M. Baldwin, Propane Dispenser, on 3.183 ac, corner of Hawaii Belt Rd & Hawaii Blvd, Kau, TMK:9-2-082:002.
7. *SunStone Kona LLC, Multi Res condo on 12.544
ac., 75-6060 Kuakini Hwy, N.Kona, TMK:7-5-019:050
8. *Bryce E. Uyehara/Ocean Time Warner, Cable
Hub, on 2.139 ac. at 73-4876 Kanalani St., N. Kona, TMK:7-3-051:018.
9. *Engineering Partners Inc/Hawaii Health Sys Corp., PLA-13-000976, Fire Pump Bldg on 12.008 ac, at 79- 1019 Haukapila St., N. Kona, TMK:7-9-010:081.
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept., 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(WHT809972 10/28/15)~