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Notice #: 0000797894-01

Hawaii Public Housing Authority (HPHA)

We invite highly motivated individuals to make a difference in the lives of others,
by joining the team that manages Hawaii’s Public Housing Properties.

Public Housing Administrator
(Manages Federal and State Low Income Public Housing with 6000+ statewide properties, Rent Supplement, Applications, Maintenance)
Property Management Specialist
Resident Services Program Specialist
Housing Contract Specialist (Construction)

The above positions are exempt non-civil service and under continuous recruitment until filled. For more information on minimum qualification requirements, please visit the HPHA website at and click on Exempt Positions. HPHA is an equal opportunity employer.

Competitive compensation package with added benefits with the State of Hawaii.
Salary commensurate with education and experience

For consideration, please submit resume to:

Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Attn: Personnel Office
PO Box 17907
1002 N School Street
Honolulu, HI 96817
Or fax: 832-5979

(SA797894 9/20/15)~