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Notice #: 0000773937-01

Variance Applications Accepted June 16-30, 2015

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications:
* Deadline to submit written public comments
** Tentative date of Director’s decision
1. Owner: Kevin D.Kasparovitch Trst (VAR-15-000292) Chapter 25, Article 5, Div 7, Sec. 25-5-76, Min. Yards; Article 4, Div 4, Sec 25-4-44(a), Permitted Projections into Yard & Open Space Req’mnts; encroach rear SW yard setback, on 1 ac.,16-1858 34th Ave., Puna, TMK: 1-6-009:114. *Jul 22, 2015 **Jul 23-Aug 24, 2015
2. Owners:Sean/Marissa Ann Ginoza(VAR-15-000293) Chapter 25, Zoning, Article 5, Div 1, Sec 25-5-7, Min Yards & Sec 25-4-44, Permitted Projections into Yards & Open Space Req’mnts; encroach into side SW yard setback, on 11,534 sq.ft., 604 Kaanini Pl. S.Hilo, TMK 2-4-066:042. *Jul 23,2015 **Jul 24-Aug 24,2015
3. Owners: Gary & Ka’alalani Ahu (VAR-15-000294) Chapter 25, Zoning, Article 5, Div 7, Sec 25-5-76, Minimum Yards; Article 4, Div 4, Sect 25-4-44(a), Permitted Projections into Yards & Open Space Req’mnts; encroach side SW yard setback on 11,234 sq.ft., at 17-326 Volcano Rd., Puna, TMK:1-7-001:036. *Jul 23, 2015 **Jul 24-Aug 24, 2015
4. Owners: Sandra J. Springs/Lynn M. Mallard (VAR
15-000295) Chapter 25, Zoning, Article 5, Div 7, Sec
25-5-76, Minimum Yards & Section 25-4-44, Permitted Projections into Yards & Open Space Req’mnts, encroach side E. yard setback, on 3 ac., at 55-3478 Akoni Pule Hwy, N. Kohala, TMK:5-5-002:114. *Jul 27, 201 **Jul 28, 2015-Aug 24, 2015.
5. Owners: Robert L., Maria L. & Peter B. Rossman (VAR 15-000296) Chapter 25, Zoning, Article 5, Div. 5, Sec. 25-5-56, Min. Yards & Open Space Req’mnts, encroach rear SW yard & side NW yard setback, on 24,175 sq.ft., 78-6664 Mamalahoa Hwy, N.Kona, TMK 7-8-015:006. *Jul 22, 2015 **Jul 23-Aug 24, 2015.
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: DUANE KANUHA, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(HTH773937 7/13/15)~