Variance Applications Accepted May 1-15, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Director will be taking action on the following applications:
* Deadline to submit written public comments
** Tentative date of Director’s decision
1. Owners: Ben & Elma Bruno (VAR-15-000285)
Chapter 25, Zoning, Section 25-5-7, Min Yards,
Encroach W. side yard setback, 8,400 sq.ft, 64-109 Old Mamalahoa Hwy, S. Kohala, TMK6-4-029:026.
*June 19, 2015 **June 19-July 20, 2015
2. Owners: Meagan R. Lamson/Patrick D. Leatherman (VAR-15-000286) Chapter 25, Zoning, Section 25-5-7, Min Yards, encroach S. side yard setback on 25,744
sq.ft. at 79-1114 Kao Rd, N. Kona, TMK:7-9-003:020.
*June 12, 2015 **June 15-July 13, 2015
3. Owners: Gregory & Julie Brown (VAR-15-000287) Chapter 23, Subd., Article 6, Div 2, Improvements req’d, Section 23-84, Water Supply on 86.30 ac, at 43-2129 Paauilo Mauka Rd, Hamakua, TMK:4-3-011:18. *June 15, 2015 **June 15-July 13, 2015
4. Owners: Sandra Jane Mehtala, Decease, Agent: Ila M. Bender (VAR-15-000288) Chapter 25, Zoning, Article 5, Division 7,Section 25-5-76, Min.Yards and Section 25-4-44, Permitted Projections into Yards & Open Space Requirement, Encroach SE front yard setback 1.06 ac., 64-213 Wailani Pl, N.Kona, TMK 6-4-012:078.*June 15, 2015 **June 16-July 14, 2015
5. Owners: Hilton Land Invest 1 LLC, Hilton Waikoloa Vlge Global Rsrt Partners,(PUD-15-000030) Amend PUD App, 61.35 ac., 69-425 Waikoloa Bch Dr, TMK:
6-9-007:014. *June 12, 2015 **June 12-17, 2015
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: DUANE KANUHA, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(WHT761091 5/29/15)~