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Notice #: 0000757697-01
Public Notices

Planning Dept. Applications Accepted April 2015

In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner


1.*Robert Trubell & Leayne Bantilan-Trubell (FDA 15-000377), on 3.003 ac, 75-954 Hiona St, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-024:077.
2.*Albert & Sandra Duarte Trust (FDA 15-000376), on 1.312 ac, 76-5985 Mamalahoa Hwy. B, N. Kona, TMK:7-6-005:017.
3.*John & Coreen Mulkey (FDA 15-000378), on 2.0 ac, 11-3585 Plumeria St, Puna, TMK:1-1-039:185.


1.*Howard Higashi Trust/RME LLC/Carol Alina Trust (DMN 15-000086), De Minimis structure position discrepancy for single-family dwelling on 10,000 sq.ft., 1501 Mona Lp, S. Hilo, TMK:2-4-067:096.


1.*Joan Pagan (OHD 15-000159), detached Ohana dwelling on 13,950 sq.ft., Punahoa 1st & Ponahawai, S. Hilo, TMK:2-3-040:016.


1.*Goldies Kona LLC/Napuao Wailupe LP (PLA 15-001169), New Exit, Landing, Railing & ADA Ramp on 7,597 sq.ft., 75-5711 Kuakini Hwy., N. Kona, TMK:7-5-022:012 & 013.
2.*Cellco Partnership dba Verizon Wireless/Kamehameha Invest Corp (PLA 15-001167), Telcom Facility on 1.58 ac, 78-6739 Alii Dr, N.Kona TMK:7-8-010:035
3.*Bob South/Mana Christian Ohana, Offices, on 1.149 ac, 67-1182 Lindsey Rd, S. Kohala, TMK:6-7-002:065.
4.*Nicholson, LLC/Ohia Lani LLC, (PLA-15-001170), 3-story mixed use bldg, on 11,541 sq.ft., 75-5915 Walua Rd, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-018:097.
5.*Bryan Lindsey/Mauna Lani Resort Assoc, (PLA-15-001174) Improvement on existing Time Warner data hub on 7,000 sq.ft., 68-142 Ho Ohana St., S. Kohala, TMK:6-8-022:031.
6.*Kohanaiki Shores LLC, (PLA-15-001177) Addition of ground-mounted solar panels, propane tank & storage shed improvements on 1.584 ac, 73-4739 Hinahina Rd, N. Kona, TMK:7-3-063:004.
7.*State of HI/County of Hawaii (PLA-15-001166), Highway Div. Admin. Annex Bldg on 10.559 ac, 630 E. Lanikaula St, S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-058:018.
8.*Lon Hocker/Mahilani Partners LLC (PLA 15-001132), Ag. Tourism Op. on 538.16 ac, 1840 Amaulu, S. Hilo, TMK:2-6-028:007.
9.*Kilauea Land Co./HSC Inc/Argonaut Holdings Inc. (PLA 15-001168), Quicklube & car wash on 3.69 ac, 1177 Kilauea, S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-053:002.
10.*Hamakua Harvest Farm & Market/B P Bishop Est (PLA 15-001172), Farmers Market on 31.25 ac, Hamakua, TMK:4-4-005:008.
11.*Inaba Engineering/Water Board of County of Hawaii (PLA 15-001171), Water reservoir site on 1.0623 ac, S. Hilo, TMK:2-5-065:037.
12.*Mattos Electric (PLA 15-001175), Carport with PV array on 22,354 sq.ft., 134 Puuhonu Way, S. Hilo, TMK:2-3-035:030.
13.*Dena & Sergio Ramirez (PLA 15-001176), Restaurant on 7,522 sq.ft., 45-3580 Mamane St, Hamakua, TMK:4-5-016:012.
Maps and documents are on file and open for inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the Hawaii County Planning Dept., 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
Hawaii County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(HTH757697 5/22/15)~