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Notice #: 0000741469-01


THE PUBLIC IS INVITED to comment before the Salary Commission on
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. in the Council Committee Meeting Room, Second Floor, Honolulu Hale, regarding the proposed salaries and salary schedules of the following elected and appointed officials of the City and County of Honolulu:

1. Mayor: 2.5% increase;
2. Councilmembers: 2.5% increase;
3. Prosecuting Attorney: 2.5% increase;
4. First Deputy Prosecuting Attorney: 2.5% increase;
5. Managing Director: 2.5% increase;
6. Deputy Managing Director: 2.5% increase;
7. Department Heads (excluding Police Chief, Fire Chief and Medical Examiner): 2.5% increase;
8. Police Chief: 5.5% increase;
9. Fire Chief: 5.5% increase;
10. Medical Examiner: 2.5% increase;
11. Deputy Department Heads (excluding Deputy Police Chiefs, Deputy Fire Chief and Deputy Medical Examiner): 2.5% increase;
12. Deputy Police Chiefs: 5.5% increase;
13. Deputy Fire Chief: 5.5% increase;
14. Deputy Medical Examiner: 2.5% increase;
15. Band Director: 2.5% increase;
16. Schedule of salaries of deputies of the corporation counsel: 2.5% increase;
17. Schedule of salaries of deputies of the prosecuting attorney: 2.5% increase.

By Section 3-122 of the Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu, the Salary Commission is charged with the responsibility of annually establishing the salaries and salary schedules for elected and appointed officials. The Commission established these salaries in accordance with the principles of adequate compensation for work performed, and preservation of a sensible relationship with the salaries of other city employees.

Anyone wishing to speak at the public hearing may register as a speaker by calling 768-5078 or fax to 768-1183. Persons not registered will be given an opportunity to present oral testimony following theregistered speakers by raising their hand at the time called upon. Testimony is limited to three (3) minutes and shall be delivered by the registered speaker only. Anyone unable to attend may file a written statement in advance of the hearing. Correspondence may be addressed to Ms. Sara Buehler, Chair, Salary Commission; Honolulu Hale, 530 South King Street, Room 202, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813.

Any disabled person requiring an accommodation may call 768-5078 at least three (3) working days prior to the public hearing or by emailing

Sara Buehler, Chair
Salary Commission
(SA741469 4/4/15)~