Consolidations & Subdivisions
Accepted February 17-27, 2015
In accordance with Section 23-58B of the Subdivision Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted.
1. Applicant KRAUSE, L. William & L. Gay, Trustees of the Krause Trust dated 6/21/94 (CON-15-000286) Location: Kukio, North Kona, TMK: 7-2- 019:011 & 012, Land Area: 1.46 acs., No. of Lots: 1
2. Applicant GRODZINSKY, Alan & Susan Garland (CON-15-000287) Location: Kealakekua, South Kona, TMK: 8-2-004:013 & 020, Land Area: 20,672 sq. ft.; No. of Lots: 1
3. Subdivider STATE-DHHL/Shirley A. Kagawa (SUB-15-001463) Location: Waiakea, South Hilo, TMK: 2-1-021:010 & 011, Land Area: 84,620 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 4, Size of Lots: 10,001 to 42,310 sq. ft.
4. Subdivider STATE-DHHL (SUB-15-001464) Location: Waiakea, South Hilo, TMK: 2-1-021:029, Land Area: 21,780 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 10,013 & 11,767 sq. ft.
5. Subdivider STATE-DHHL (SUB-15-001465) Location: Waiakea, South Hilo, TMK: 2-1-021:072, Land Area: 21,410 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 10,518 & 10,892 sq. ft.
6. Subdivider STATE-DHHL (SUB-15-001466) Location: Waiakea, South Hilo, TMK: 2-1-020:101, Land Area: 20,530 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 10,030 & 10,500 sq. ft.
7. Subdivider STATE-DHHL (SUB-15-001467) Location: Waiakea, South Hilo, TMK: 2-1-023:071, Land Area: 21,780 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 10,013 & 11,767 sq. ft.
8. Subdivider HIROWATARI, George M./Glenn I. Takemoto (SUB-15-001468) Location: Waikaumalo, North Hilo, TMK: 3-2-002:055 & 068, Land Area: 2.490 acs., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 2.176 acs. & 13,060 sq. ft.
9. Subdivider LEAIRD TRUST, Johanna (SUB-15- 001469) Location: Kalalau, South Hilo, TMK: 2-6- 008:022, Land Area: 30,000 sq. ft., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 10,000 & 20,000 sq. ft.
10. Subdivider KAUPAKUEA FARMS LLC (Teresa L. Prekaski) (SUB-15-001470) Location: Makahanaloa, South Hilo, TMK: 2-8-003:001, Land Area: 100 acs., No. of Lots: 4, Size of Lots: 23.051 to 25.746 acs.
11. Subdivider AINA HO’ONANEA, LLC (SUB-15- 001471) Location: Ouli, Waimea, South Kohala, TMK: 6-2-001:051, Land Area: 842.748 acs., No. of Lots: 2, Size of Lots: 5.000 & 837.747 acs.
Maps and documents for the above are on file at the County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo HI 96720 or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona HI 96740 and open to inspections during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm.
DUANE KANUHA, Planning Director
Hawai’i County is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer
(WHT737501 3/31/15)~