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Notice #: 0000722143-01

Planning Dept. Applications Accepted Jan. 2015

In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner


1.* James Stapleton & James Ricciuti: Special Permit for a 5-B/R B&B, Leilani Est, Puna, TMK:1-3-014:041.
2.* Kona Castle Ranch, LLC: Special Permit for a 5-B/R B&B, Honalo, N. Kona, TMK:7-9-002:por of 005.
3.* WDC Properties, LLC: 10-year time extension for life of permit for Special Permit No. 538, Waikoloa, South Kohala, TMK:6-8-001:por of 043.


1.*Samrit Ounyoung/Estralle Cataylo Enojardo: Structure position discrepancies for single-family dwelling on 7,500 sq.ft., 74-5050 Hanahanai Lp, N. Kona, TMK:7-4-016:036.


1.* Coaction Group, LLC/GPL Ent/Yilman Lee Trst (PLA-15-001134): Medical Ofc Suite proposed on 8,333 sq. ft., 24 Mauna Kea St, S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-017:006.
2.*Paul Osumi Jr./Brice and Aileen Takata (PLA-15-001142): Dental Office on 43,560 sq.ft.,1732 Kilauea Ave., S.HIlo, TMK 2-2-88:28.
3. *Tyler Kaneshiro/Sandra Kaneshiro (PLA-15-001143): Office and Restaurant on 30,648 sq.ft., 48 Kamana St., S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-022:005.
4.*Reggie Domingo/BP Bishop Estate Ttees/ Kamehameha Schools (PLA-15-001144): Shower/Locker Facility for School on por. of 302 ac., 16-714 Volcano Rd., Puna, TMK:1-6-003:012.
5.*COH Parks & Rec/COH Exec. Order (PLA-15-1147): Golf Course Clubhouse and improvements on 144.538 ac, 340 Haihai Street, S.Hilo, TMK: 2-4-002:001, 2-4-002:129, 2-4-002:130, 2-4-016:001.
6.*Richard & Doris Ouye Family Ltd. Partnership: Industrial use on 43,560 sq.ft., 73-5577 Maiau St, N.Kona, TMK:7-3-051:039.
7.*Daylight Mind Coffee Company/Queen Market Place LLC: Restaurant on 11.724 ac., 69-201 Waikoloa Beach Dr. S. Kohala, TMK:6-9-008:017.
8.*Riehm Owensby Planners Architects/COH Office of Housing & Community Development: Warehouse, Sales area & Office on 8.0167 ac., 73-4180 Ulu Wini Pl , N. Kona, TMK:7-3-009:055.
9.*Eliahu & Emma Pessah: Restaurant on 20,920 sf, 64-1056 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kohala, TMK:6-4-001:092.
10.*Kurt Klimt, AIA/California Institute of Technology: Existing laboratory renovations, new covered parking area new equipment and new storage shed on 7.334 ac., 65-1120 Mamalahoa Hwy, Kohala, TMK:6-5-004:014.
11.*Tom Nance Water Resource Engineering/State of Hawaii DLNR: Deep well pump facility & building for DWS on 78.36 ac., .8 mile N. Holualoa on Mauka side of Mamalahoa Hwy, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-013:022.
12.*Peter J. Piper/Faith Center Property, Inc.: New restroom on 2.93 ac., 81-6224 Mamalahoa Hwy, S. Kona, TMK:8-1-008:020.
13.*Ann Cobb/Kohanaiki Shores LLC: PV Addition & propane tank improvements on 1.584 ac., 73-4739 Hinahina Rd, N. Kona, TMK: 7-3-063:004 .
Maps and documents for the above are on file and open for inspection during office hours7:45am-4:30pm at the County Planning Dept., 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, HI or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona, HI.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
(HTH722143 2/16/15)~