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Notice #: 0000714306-01

Planning Dept. List of Applications Accepted – Dec. 2014

In accordance with Section 25-2-3(g) Division 1, Article 2 of Chapter 25 (Zoning) of the Hawai’i County Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant/Landowner


1. * Hamakua Harvest- Special Permit for a farmers market on 6.7 ac. located at Paauhau, Hamakua, TMK:4-4-005:001, 008, 009.
2. * Lalamilo Farm Partners LP- Amend Special Permit #378 to expand uses to allow various commercial & industrial uses on portion of a 5-ac. at Lalamilo Farm Lots, Lamamilo, Waimea, S. Kohala, TMK:6-6-005:por 032.
3. * Elizabeth J. Hultman-Salfen- Special Permit to allow vehicle parking area for a tree-trimming business in Hawaiian Paradise Prk Subd, Keaau, Puna, TMK:1-5-022:por of 140.
4. * Kathryn Tydlacka- Special Permit to allow the use of a former golf clubhouse for a charter school in the Discovery Harbour Subd, Kau, TMK: 9-4-001:por of 019.
5. * Cathee Malapit- Special Permit to allow a certified kitchen for salsa/chip production at Puukala, N. Kona, TMK: 7-2-008:por of 035.
6. * Harry & Sandra Freitas-Change of Zone from A 20a to A-5a for 50 ac. at Olaa Reservation Lots, Puna, TMK:1-8-005:133.


1. *Jennifer Ann Dutra (FDA-14-000372), on 2 ac. at 11-3439 Hibiscus St., Puna, TMK: 1-1-038:015.
2. *Krista S. Steinfeld (FDA-14-000373), on 22.049 ac. at 28-351 Iliopua St., TMK: 2-8-015:005.


1. *Jeannette Denholm Gurung-on 10,352 sq.ft. at 77-6412 Kepano Pl., N.Kona, TMK:7-7-020:032.


1. *AT&T Mobility/Warren & Elizabeth Walker (PLA-14-001126), Telecom Tower proposed on 2 ac. at 11-1360 Rose St., Puna, TMK:1-1-038:002.
2. *David Jwanisik (14-001127), Existing single family dwelling on 17,936 sq.ft. at 32 Kioea St., S. Hilo, TMK:2-1-017:044.
3. *Lon Hocker, Pres. for Mahilani Partners (15-001132), Agricultural Tourism on 540 ac. Agr at 1840 Amauulu Rd., S. Hilo, TMK:2-6-028:007.
4. *Camacho Holdings LLC (PLA-5-001133), Proposed 8-Unit res. bldg on 1.298 ac. at 651 Ponahawai St, S. Hilo, TMK: 2-3-37:017.
5. *Island Pacific Architecture, Inc./SOH Dept. of Ed (PLA-15-001135), New portable classroom at Hilo Inter Sch proposed on 12.132 ac. at 587 Waianuenue Ave., S. Hilo, TMK: 2-3-021:058.
6. *AT&T Mobility/Darrell M. Silva (PLA-15-001136), Telecom tower proposed on 8,668 sq.ft. at 40 Hualalai St., S. Hilo, TMK:2-2-010:002.
7. *Fred Ersking, Ersking Architects, Inc./Aha Punana Leo, Inc.(PLA-15-001138) Nawahiokalani ’Opu’u Sch proposed on 10 ac. at 16-120 at Opukahaia St., Puna,, TMK: 1-6-004:053.
8. *Hida, Okamoto & Assc, Inc/SOH(PLA-14-001130), Improve softball field on 48.848 ac. at 74-5000 Puohulihuli St, N. Kona, TMK:7-4-021:004.
9. *Fritz Harris-Glade, AIA, LEED AP/55-522 LLC (PLA-15-001137), change of use-storage to office space on 1.160 ac. at 55-522 Hawi Rd, N. Kohala, TMK:5-5-010:025.
10.*Hualalai Investors, LLC/BP Bishop Est. TTees, Hualalai Pia-Kona LLC(PLA-14-001128), 2nd reservoir on 7,486 ac., mauka of Qn Ka’ahumanu Hwy, between mile markers 86 & 87, N. Kona, TMK:7-2-003:003.
11.*Kailapa Comm Assc/Hawn Home Lands, pavilion, playground, garden on 14.333 ac. at 61-4016 Kai’?pae Pl, S. Kohala, TMK:6-1-010:008.
12.*Danny Pryor/JP’s Nevada Trst (PLA-14-001131), 2nd single-family dwelling on 0.467 acres at 75-5679 Ali’i Dr, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-006:019.
13.*Hawaii Tire Co., LLC/Palani Ranch Co. Inc, Hawaii Tire Co., car wash on 2.330 ac. at 75-5570 Kuakini Hwy, N. Kona, TMK:7-5-005:085.


1. *Riehm Owensby Planners Architects/Greenwood Ctr LLC, 3- commercial lot pedestrian-oriented PUD development on 5.0068 ac. at 65-1226 Mamalahoa Hwy., S. Kohala, TMK:6-5-003:002.
2. *Riehm Owensby Planners Architects/La’au, LLC, 10 single family res. lot PUD on 2.59 ac. at 65-1344 & 65-1350 Kawaihae Rd, S. Kohala, TMK:6-5-002:147 & 161.
Maps/documents are on file and open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept., 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo, or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona.
By: Duane Kanuha, Planning Director
HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
Hawai’i Tribune Herald/West Hawai’i Today: Tuesday, January 27, 2015
(WHT714306 1/27/15)~